
来源 :中国医院统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzslcg123
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全军首届卫生统计大专毕业生于1996年7月正式走向医院统计工作岗位,从而结束了我军医院统计工作者没有专业培训的历史。早在八年前,根据基层统计工作的需要,第四军医大学卫生统计教研室在军内外著名统计专家郭祖超以及徐勇勇、范思昌、于爽等教授的倡导下,经过反复的论证,向有关部门申报在军内开设卫生统计专业大专教学,面向基层培养专业统计人才。经过五年的努力,终于在1993年招收了第一届学员,这批学员毕业后,遍布在我军40多所驻军以上医院,充实了基层统计工作队伍,使我军医院统计工作人员的整体素质明显提高。经过了正规培训的卫生统计专业人员在医院统计工作中,除了能胜任日常医疗统计工作外,还可以 The first military health statistics college graduates of the whole army officially went to the hospital for statistical work in July 1996, thus ending the historical lack of professional training of the statistical workers in our military hospitals. As early as eight years ago, according to the needs of grass-roots statistics, the Fourth Military Medical University Health Statistics Department in the army inside and outside the well-known statistical experts Guo Zude and Xu Yong, Fan Sichang, Yu Shuang and other professors at the initiative, after repeated arguments to the relevant departments to declare at Military health statistics to open college teaching, training for the grass-roots professional statistical personnel. After five years of hard work, the first student was finally enrolled in 1993. After the graduation, more than 40 of these hospitals were stationed in more than 40 garrison-stationed hospitals of our armed forces, enriched the ranks of basic-level statistical work teams and made the overall statistics of our hospital staff Significantly improve the quality. After formal training of health statistics professionals in the hospital statistical work, in addition to capable of daily medical statistics, but also can
进入2011年,在全球性通胀压力不断扩大以及市场的恐慌情绪和不确定因素持续增加的环境下,我国生产资料市场价格整体仍表现为持续上涨的态势。一季度各月环比涨幅分别 Into 2
香港人务实,港女的最佳体现都在亦舒的小说里。如今,也包括在她对待儿子的态度上。过去一页就是要执拗地翻过去,只活在当下。 Hong Kong people are pragmatic, Hong Kong w
今年6月间在美国加州蒙特雷举办了第17 届国际离子注入技术大会(IIT2008),也是这个系列会议的30 周年大会.参加会议的有260 多人,会上特邀报告9个,口头报告57个,大字报 107
用于中子照相的2MeV RFQ加速器要求注入器提供50mA@50keV的脉冲D+离子束,束流占空比为1/10,发射度0.2π.mm.mrad,α=1.93,β=5.16cm/rad。为实现注入器的优化设计,我们建设了用于研