Prolonged propagation of rat neural stem cells relies on inhibiting autocrine/paracrine bone morphog

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p54188
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Continuous expansion of rat neural stem cell lines has not been achieved due to proliferation arrest and spontaneous differentiation in vitro. In the current study, neural precursor cells derived from the subventricular zone of adult rats spontaneously underwent astroglial and oligodendroglial differentiation after limited propagation. This differentiation was largely induced by autocrine or paracrine bone morphogenetic protein and platelet derived growth factor signals. The results showed that, by inhibiting bone morphogenetic protein and platelet derived growth factor signals, adult rat neural precursor cells could be extensively cultured in vitro as tripotent stem cell lines. In addition to adult rat neural stem cells, we found that bone morphogenetic protein antagonists can promote the proliferation of human neural stem cells. Therefore, the present findings illustrated the role of autocrine or paracrine bone morphogenetic protein and platelet derived growth factor signaling in determining neural stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. By antagonizing both signals, the long-term propagation of rat neural stem cell lines can be achieved. Continuous expansion of rat neural stem cell lines have not been achieved due to proliferation arrest and spontaneous differentiation in vitro. In the current study, neural precursor cells derived from the subventricular zone of adult rats spontaneously underwent astroglial and oligodendroglial differentiation after limited propagation. This differentiation was largely induced by autocrine or paracrine bone morphogenetic protein and platelet derived growth factor signals. The results showed that, by inhibiting bone morphogenetic protein and platelet derived growth factor signals, adult rat neural precursor cells could be extensively cultured in vitro as tripotent stem cell lines In addition to adult rat neural stem cells, we found that bone morphogenetic protein antagonists can promote the proliferation of human neural stem cells. Thus, the present findings illustrated the role of autocrine or paracrine bone morphogenetic protein and platelet derived growth factor signaling in det ermining neural stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. By antagonizing both signals, the long-term propagation of rat neural stem cell lines can be achieved.
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