
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liushuaimin
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从某种意义上讲,中国是世界上第一电视大国。早在2000年.中国大陆有电视的家庭已经达到3.24亿户,覆盖11.7亿人。但是有两种情况令我们感到不安,一是全球电视100强中,中国电视业的名次比较靠后,与我们这个大国极不相称。据1999年统计,世界100强中的前25名大部分被欧美电视台所垄断,其中美国占了13家.前10名中.美国占了8家。这些大电视台或公司收入非常可观,而中国电视台名次靠后,收入也与强手相距甚远。二是中国已经加入了世界贸易组织,电视业将在全新的世界政治经济文化环境中重新审视自己,中国的电视媒介要和世界各国的媒介组织站在同一起跑线上,中国电视市场这块庞大的蛋糕将被重新瓜分。在这种全球化背景下,中国电视业将面临全世界尤其是发达资本主义国家电视业强有力的挑战。 In a sense, China is the world’s No. 1 television power. As early as 2000. There are 324 million households in mainland China with television, covering 1.17 billion people. However, we feel uneasy in two situations. First, among the top 100 global TV companies, the ranking of China’s television industry is rather dependent on it. It is extremely disproportionate to our great power. According to statistics in 1999, most of the top 25 of the world’s top 100 were monopolized by European and American television stations, of which the United States accounted for 13. Among the top 10, the United States accounted for eight. These large television stations or companies income is very substantial, and China Television ranked behind, the income is also far away from the strong hand. Second, China has joined the World Trade Organization. The television industry will re-examine itself in the new world political, economic and cultural environment. China’s television media should be on the same starting line with the media organizations in various countries in the world. This huge Chinese television market Cake will be re-divided. In this globalized context, the Chinese television industry will face the powerful challenges of the television industry in the world, especially in the developed capitalist countries.
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