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江阴财政已经连续三年领跑江苏,去年规模工业总量更是首次突破2000亿元大关。但“大好形势”并没有让江阴市委书记王伟成露出更多的笑容,他现在最挂心的是,如何让70万农民分享地方财力增长的“发展红利”。 据了解,江阴是全国率先补偿历史失地农民的城市。上世纪60年代至2003年,江阴管计产生约54万失地农民。为了保障这部分农民失地后没基什生事,分享城市发展带来的利益。 Jiangyin Finance has led Jiangsu for three years in a row. Last year, the total industrial output of its large-scale industry exceeded the 200 billion yuan mark for the first time. However, the “excellent situation” did not allow Wang Weicheng, a secretary of Jiangyin Municipal Party Committee, to show more smiles. What he is most concerned about now is how to enable 700,000 peasants to share in the “development dividend” of local financial growth. It is understood that Jiangyin is the first city in the country to compensate peasants who have lost their land history. From the 1960s to 2003, Jiangyin Guanji produced about 540,000 landless peasants. In order to protect this part of peasants from going to the ground, they did not have any chance to share the benefits brought by urban development.
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油菜点额蓝跳(虫甲)(Psylliodes puntifr-ens Baly)是油菜和十字花科蔬菜的重要害虫之一。贵州地区每年发生一代,以成虫在寄主心叶及叶腋等处越冬。幼虫潜食时肉、叶柄、叶脉