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分析仪器学会第三届理事会决定聘请50位同志组成会刊《分析仪器》杂志第四届编委会,理事长朱良漪同志继续担任主编,马立人、竺安、范世福、岳刚同志为副主编。第四届编委会第一次会议5月29日在北京丰台举行,朱良漪同志主持会议.编辑部就刊物现状.审稿工作、栏目设置、今后打算作了扼要说明。改国内外公开发行后,刊物性质不变,仍然贯彻普及和提高相结合的原则,既刊登学术性文章,也刊登实用性、知 The third council of Analytical Instrumentation Society decided to hire 50 comrades to form the fourth editorial board of Analytical Instruments, and Comrade Zhu Liangyi, director of the journal, continued to serve as editor in chief. Ma Liren, Zhu An, Fan Shifu and Yue Gang were associate editors. The first meeting of the 4th Editorial Board was held in Fengtai, Beijing on May 29, and Comrade Zhu Liangyi presided over the meeting. The editorial office gave a brief account of the current status of the publications, reviewing work, setting of columns, and plans for the future. After the public offering at home and abroad has been changed, the nature of the publications remains unchanged. The principle of popularizing and improving the combination is still being implemented. Both academic articles and practicality are published
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中国腐植酸协会第一届理事会第一次会议,于1987年11月21日在北京召开。会议选举了第一届理事会的理事长和副理事长。理事长:王家敏副理事长:郑平王广明金世明 China Humic
本刊编辑部在国家经委培训中心举办的厂长研究班上,以笔谈的形式,收集了来自全国80多名厂长(经理),对本刊的意见和要求。归纳起来有如下几点: 1.有指导性、超前性。评论员文
目的观察硬膜外持续PCA泵止痛和间断注药治疗带状疱疹疼痛的疗效。方法 37例中重度疱疹疼痛患者予硬膜外腔置管,接PCA止痛泵持续泵注吗啡,根据疼痛情况调整至止痛剂量,并间断
High prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and very diverse outcomes that are related to disease form and severity at presentation have made t
会议决定由本届理事会的理事长、副理事长、秘书长和各部部长共七人组成本届理事会的常务理事会,在理事会闭会期间履行理事会职责。 The meeting decided that a total of