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当前,疯狂上涨的染料价格让印染企业的生存和发展陷入了一个新的困境。近年来,国家大力提倡节能减排,印染企业在节能减排工作上花费了巨大的精力和物力,节能减排工作也取得了显著的成效。但是,谁也没有想到,当前对印染企业形成压力的不仅仅只有节能减排,更有染料价格的持续高涨。从去年下半年以来,染料价格一路飙升,在数月之内价格翻了好几番,这对原本就肩负着节能减排重担的印染企业造成了巨大的影响,让印染企业的困难进一步加大。 At present, the crazy rising dye prices for printing and dyeing enterprises survival and development into a new predicament. In recent years, the state vigorously promote energy-saving emission reduction, printing and dyeing enterprises in energy-saving emission reduction work spent a huge effort and material resources, energy-saving emission reduction has also made remarkable achievements. However, no one thought that the current pressure on the printing and dyeing enterprises not only energy saving, more dye prices continued to rise. Since the second half of last year, dye prices soared all the way in a few months the price has been turned over several times, which had shouldered the burden of energy-saving emission reduction printing and dyeing enterprises had a tremendous impact, so that the difficulties of printing and dyeing enterprises to further increase.
十七大报告指出要千方百计地扩大就业,全面建设小康社会。近几年来,大学生就业一直是社会关注的热点问题,也是高校所面临的一个重大的棘手问题。随着大学生就业形势的日益严峻,就业指导工作已日显其重要性。那么如何做好大学生就业指导工作呢?笔者主要从观念转变、机构人员和措施应对等几个方面进行了理论探讨。    1.当前大学生就业形势分析    1.1 国际就业形势对中国的影响  据国际劳工组织的研究报告显示:
Is China taking the American path to consumerist dystopia? Behold the Americanization of China: fast food, plentiful portions, obesity and SUVs that eat up a wh
On December 16, 2011, multiple government organizations in Beijing issued a regulation to strengthen the management of twitter-like micro-blogging. The new regulation requires Internet companies regis