
来源 :红楼梦学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:resway
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中日两国的文化交流是最密切的 ,中日两国的友好往来也是最悠久的。据史料记载 ,《红楼梦》最早走向世界 ,正是从日本开始的。 1 793年 ,《红楼梦》乘船来到日本的长崎 ,从此开始了红学史上的新纪元。二百多年来 ,日本的许多文学字、汉学家都曾致力于《红楼梦》的翻译和研究工作 ,这其中较著名的就有森怀南、岛崎藤村、岸春风楼、幸田露伴、平冈龙城、大高岩、增田涉、松枝茂夫、伊藤漱平、饭朗等。在世界经济趋于一体化的今天 ,无疑也应该加强各民族间的文化交流和融合。近年来 ,我一直想搞《〈红楼梦〉在日本》这个课题 ,但由于史料匮乏 ,因而迟迟未能动手。今年夏天 ,在日本早稻田大学攻读博士学位的好友李铭敬君归国探亲 ,途经北京时我与他谈及此事 ,他回去后便给我查阅了有关资料 ,并托首都师大的王成君给我带来。我欣喜之余 ,便将这些材料翻译了出来 ,再参照胡文彬先生的《红楼梦在国外》、伊藤漱平先生的《红楼梦在日本的流传》等论著 ,整理出这一份目录来。因水平所限 ,手头又无其他材料印证 ,错误之处在所难免。今借《学刊》的版面发表出来 ,在为同好们提供一份参考资料的同时 ,也殷切期望各位方家予以补正。 The cultural exchanges between China and Japan are the most intimate, and the friendship between China and Japan is also the oldest. According to historical records, “Dream of Red Mansions” first to the world, it is from Japan began. In 793, “Dream of Red Mansions” came to Nagasaki, Japan by boat, and started a new era in the history of redology. For more than two hundred years, many Japanese literary characters and sinologists have devoted themselves to the translation and research of A Dream of Red Mansions. Among them, Senhuai Nan, Shimazaki Fujimura, Atsushi Furunchi, Kudanuchi, Ping Gang-gang City, big high-rock, Masuda involved, pine branch Mao husband, Ito Shibing, rice Lang and so on. At a time when the world economy is becoming more and more integrated, there should undoubtedly be more cultural exchange and integration among different ethnic groups. In recent years, I have always wanted to pursue the subject of “A Dream of Red Mansions> in Japan.” However, due to a lack of historical data, I have been slow to start. This summer, Li Mingjing, a friend studying for a doctoral degree at Waseda University in Japan, returned to visit his relatives. When I came to Beijing, I talked to him about the matter. When he returned, he consulted me and asked me to bring Wang Chengjun Come. I am delighted, they translate these materials out, and then refer to Mr. Hu Wenbin’s “Dream of Red Mansions Abroad”, Mr. Ito Shibing’s “Dream of the Red Mansions in Japan” and other works, sorted out a list. Due to the limited level, there is no other material on hand to prove that mistakes are inevitable. At the same time, it is published in the journal of “Journal”. While providing reference materials for the same people, we also earnestly hope that all of you will make corrections.
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