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政党规范是关于政党的各种规范的总称,其核心问题是如何有效进行政党治理、维护政党政治秩序、促进民主政治发展。政党规范主要包括法律规范、社会规范、内部规范。这三种形式的政党规范既有一定的联系,在价值追求、形式特点、效力范围、实现方式方面又有明显区别。在当今世界,政党政治的复杂性、系统性、多样性,决定了仅靠任何一种规范都难以有效地进行政党治理;只有把政党规范作为一个体系、树立系统的政党治理观,既加强立法、依靠法律来匡正政党行为,也加强政治伦理建设、用伦理秩序来匡扶人心,还要加强政党内部建设、整合党内秩序,做到德法相济、内外相济、各种政党规范相协调,才能构建合理的政党政治秩序、促进民主政治发展。 The norms of political parties are the general term for various norms of political parties. The core issue is how to effectively govern political parties, safeguard the political order of political parties and promote the development of democratic politics. Political party rules include legal norms, social norms, internal norms. These three forms of party norms both have some connection, in the pursuit of value, the form of features, the scope of effectiveness, ways to achieve significant differences. In today’s world, the complexity, systematization and diversity of party politics determine that it is difficult to carry out party governance effectively by any kind of norms. Only by standardizing party governance as a system and establishing a systematic view of party governance can both strengthen legislation , Rely on the law to correct the behavior of political parties, but also to strengthen the building of political ethics, to support the people by the ethical order, but also to strengthen the internal construction of political parties, the integration of inner-party order, so that both Germany and France, both internally and externally, Can we build a reasonable political order of political parties and promote the development of democratic politics.
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