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道桥镇位于云梦南端,邻近新、老府河,是个典型的湖区乡镇,全镇拥有水面4000多亩。近几年,该镇充分利用水资源优势,引导农民念水经、辟水路、发水财,初步形成了水产业规模,全镇承包水面100亩以上的就达20多户。不少农户靠水产养殖走上了致富道路。 然而,由于市场的变化,加上水产品种单一、设施老化,造成一些养殖户增产不增收,挫伤了他们养殖的积极性。为此,该镇党委、政府决定重新调整养殖思路,先后组织8个专班对全镇水产养殖户进行深入细致的专访调查,并将调查结果和养鱼户的意见反馈到镇,通过综合分析后,决定按照“更新品种、优化结构、适应市场、以变应变”的调整思路,走出一条具有道桥特色的水产养殖新路子。 在充分尊重水产养殖户意见的前提下, Road Town is located in the southern end of Yunmeng, adjacent to the new, the old House River, is a typical Lake District towns, the town has a surface of 4,000 acres. In recent years, the town make full use of water resources to guide farmers to read the water by the provision of waterways, made a fortune, the initial formation of the scale of aquaculture, the town contracted water more than 100 acres reached more than 20 households. Many farmers rely on aquaculture embarked on a road to prosperity. However, due to the changes in the market, coupled with the single species of aquatic products and the aging facilities, some farmers did not increase their yields but dampened their enthusiasm for breeding. To this end, the town party committee and government decided to readjust farming ideas, has organized eight special classes of town aquaculture farmers in-depth and detailed interview, and the findings and fish farmers feedback to the town, through a comprehensive analysis After the decision in accordance with the “update varieties, optimize the structure, adapt to the market, to adapt to change” the train of thought, out of a bridge with the characteristics of aquaculture new path. While fully respecting the opinions of aquaculturists,
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介绍了利用Microsoft Excel提供的VBA功能,编制程序进行港口货源管理,提高了工作效率,达到了降低进口矿亏吨率、避免钢材流失的目的。