
来源 :中国教育学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luck1
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随着我国教育的普及,我国成立了越来越多的高等学校,本科生的数量也越来越多,就业压力也越来越大,所以一些职业院校就必须在教学体系上有所改进,从而培养出一些高科技人才来适应国家的发展,就这方面进行一些研究和分析,希望对一些职业院校教学的发展起到一定的指导借鉴作用。 With the popularization of education in our country, more and more colleges and universities have been set up in our country, the number of undergraduates is also increasing, and the employment pressure is also increasing. Therefore, some vocational colleges must improve their teaching system So as to cultivate some high-tech talents to adapt to the development of the country. Some research and analysis are carried out in this respect, hoping to guide and guide the development of teaching in some vocational colleges.
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