The Apple Pile

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  In a corner of our kitchen there is a small basket. We use it for fruits. It has a round shape and it’s made of straws. It can hold bananas, pears, oranges or apples. Usually, we put them on top of each other.
  The other day I wanted to take out a banana from this pile of fruits. But the banana was under a pile of apples. I carefully took the apples, took away one banana, and then put the pile of apples back. When I started, there were only bananas in the pile. So I arranged one apple near another and the pile grew slowly. I did it slow on purpose. I didn’t know why, but I felt something important will grow out.
  The topmost apple was sitting on only three apples. Suddenly, I found this almost magical. If it weren’t for those three apples, the topmost one couldn’t stay there. It couldn’t be suspended in the air. It needed the support of the others. I think I sat a few seconds looking at those apples.
  The Interdependence of Things
  And then I realized why I was so doubted. We always want a certain thing to happen, just like the topmost apple. We know what we want, we see it and we want it now. But, almost always, we don’t have the supporting points.
  We just want the topmost position. The best work. The best house. The best relationship. We know perfectly how it will look. Just like the apple on top of the pile. It was at the perfect level. Only it just couldn’t be there alone. It needed the other three apples under it.
  So, we can’t have that work, that house, that perfect relationship just like this, out of thin air. We need to build it. And by that I don’t necessarily mean to strive for it; I don’t think it’s a difficult task to find the perfect house or the perfect relationship. On the contrary, actually. By “building it” I mean something very subtle: the interdependence of things. That base is made of many, many things, all interconnected. Just like the relationship is made of many, many things, all interconnected.
  In my pile, the support was made by 3 apples. But I could have had any other fruits. It didn’t really matter that the support was made of apples. But it mattered that the support was there.
  It’s the same thing with what we want. We need to have the connecting “fruits”, so we can climb on top of what we want. It won’t happen out of thin air.
  suspend v. 使懸浮
  support v. 支撑
  strive for 争取,奋斗
  subtle adj. 微妙的
  matter v. 有关系,要紧
  (Have you ever found the interdependence of many things? Give some examples.)
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