琼酿飘香出盘锦 佳液浓郁醉神州——记盘锦市盘山酒业有限责任公司

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盘山酒业有限责任公司位于风景优美的盘锦市盘山县,建厂至今已有三百余年的历史,清康熙廿年由晋人段顺夭和冀人石水山合伙办起烧锅制酒作坊,立号永顺泉。“永顺”是选二人名字中间的各一字,合意是两家亲密无间:“泉”字是合资生意象泉水不尽,财源茂盛。世代相传,延续300余年。辛亥革命后,石姓去盘山县河南落户,世代务农,段姓则代代经商,成为永顺泉的继承者,烧锅日产白酒250-400公斤,为保持酒质之信誉,自立门市销售,一概不批发。解放后,改名为盘山县酿酒厂,在党和政府的领导支持下,企业不断发展壮 Panshan Liquor Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Panshan County of Panjin City. It has been more than 300 years old since it was established. In the Kangxi Han Dynasty, Jinshang Duan Shunyi and Dairen Shishuishan jointly established a pot cookery workshop. No. Yongshunquan. “Yongshun” is the name of the two names in the middle of the election, the consensus is that the two are intimate: “Quan” is a joint venture business is endless, rich financial resources. It has been passed down from generation to generation and lasted for more than 300 years. After the Revolution of 1911, Shi Xing went to Panshan County to settle in Henan, where he worked from generation to generation. His last name was from generation to generation and he became the successor of Yongshun Spring. He produced 250-400 kilograms of Nissan white wine. In order to maintain his reputation for quality, he sold his own product. Not wholesale. After the liberation, it was renamed the Panshan County winery. Under the leadership of the Party and the government, the company continued to grow strong.
“跨入新世纪,要有新的精神,新的思路,新的举措,新的业绩。”2001年伊始,淄博柴油机厂就给自己确立了新的目标。经过一年的不懈努力,主要经济技术指标均大幅度超额完成 “I
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越来越多的征兆表明:美国经济衰退期即将结束。随着宏观经济的好转,对木材工业持乐观的分析正在增加。 More and more signs indicate that the US economic recession is c