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文章通过修补瓦斯抽放管时发生巳遂和未遂事故说明存在的瓦斯隐患:在更换或修补瓦斯抽放管路时,拆卸后,由于管内、外存在着负压差,致使管內深处瓦斯不能排出管外,而形成事故隐患。因此在修补瓦斯抽放管时要加强检测。 The article describes the potential gas hazards caused by the attempted and failed accidents when repairing the gas drainage pipe. When replacing or repairing the gas drainage pipe, after the disassembly, due to the negative pressure difference inside and outside the pipe, deep gas in the pipe Can not be discharged outside the pipe, and the formation of accidents. Therefore, to repair the gas drainage pipe to strengthen testing.
通常认为跳汰机不适合洗选分选密度低于1.45 g/cm~3的物料,即在密度曲线的陡峭段排料装置不能准确工作,本文提出一种新型的浮标—排料装置,用于低分选密度的分选,即利用密度
匈牙利佩克斯麦赛克采矿公司开采铀矿并供应含金属的精矿。 1945年以前匈牙利仅限于研究泉水中的铀含量。到1947年,通过分析维伦斯、麦赛克、柯色格——罗洪克山等处岩石和
本文综述了国内外露天矿抗水炸药装药设备的发展概况、特点及类型,分析总结了国内外经验,指出了国内存在的差距,并为今后发展方向提出了看法。 This paper summarizes the g
N0.1ANewPlaty一annoredW6rmfiDmtheEarlyC出nbrianChen幻iangLagers巨“七,SouthChina Hanjia几刀盖口ng芍nglia雌,劝angZh诉1 and Shu DeganlANewsyn””etrodontManuna】w
Based on the analysis of the characteristics of disaster resistant engineering project, the principles of project appraisal of disaster resistant engineering ar
中国华艺广播公司于2001年11月1日开通了国际互联网网站(chbcnews.com),2002年11月1日又在网站的WEB服务器上安装了Windows Media编码器7,实现了网上实时广播。由于Windows
We demonstrate a narrowband optical filter which operates on the 52S1/2 to 52P3/2 transition at 780 nm in rubidium vapor based on optical-pumping-induced dichro