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已经走出很远,远隔万水千山。但出发地那些曾经的痴迷与梦想,却如影随形。实际上,我是喜欢那种单纯、痴迷,贫穷却有烟火气的生活的。电影对乡村孩子来说是充满神奇与诱惑的。我的故乡不算偏僻,距县城百公里左右,六岁前后农村已有电影看,尽管年幼懵懂,不知所以,但自此电影成了生命里不可或缺的一页。有一年冬天,我在学校里听同学说,晚上离我们村十多里地的涧边大队放电影,高兴得课也听不进去,扳着指头盼放学。一进门,书包远远地往窗台上一丢,饭也不吃,急匆匆约了两个伙伴,就冒着严寒出发了。不知道路,边走边问,在雪地里深一脚浅一脚,好不容易摸到了地方,那个藏在黑夜里的村 Has come a long way, thousands of miles away. However, the departure of those who had obsessed and dreams, but go hand in hand. In fact, I like the kind of simple, obsessed, poor but smokey life. The movie is full of magic and temptation for rural children. My hometown is not remote, about a hundred kilometers away from the county seat. Around the age of six, movies have been seen in rural areas. Although young and ignorant, I do not know why, but since then the film has become an indispensable page in my life. One winter, I listened to my classmates in the school and said that at night, Jianbian Brigade, who was more than 10 miles away from our village, put a movie and was glad to have lessons in class. A door, the bag far to a lost window-sill, rice do not eat, hurried about two partners, they braved the cold start. I do not know the road, walking asked, in the snow deep kick, finally touched the place, that hidden in the dark village
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