Environmental Analysis of Supermarket Industry in the UK

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  Abstract:The UK supermarket industry has changed its characteristics over the last twenty years and has developed as a distinctive system of retailing in the UK. Based on the secondary research, the four key issues from external business environment such as planning regulation, value added tax, lifestyle change and technology innovation have been examined and the competitive intensity within the industry has been analyzed as well with high barrier for new entrants, low bargaining power of suppliers, medium power of customers, medium threat of substitutes and intense competition. The four largest companies have been dominated the industry with their own distinctive strengths. Furthermore, industry trends in the next five years were predicted at the end of this paper in order to contribute to the scenario planning.
  Keywords:Business environment;Supermarket;Retailing
  With the society and economy development, supermarket industry has dramatically changed in the UK during the last two decades. A number of factors from internal and external business environment have resulted in a new market structure and some distinctive phenomenon in the UK supermarket industry.
  A supermarket is defined as a self-service grocery store providing a wide range of products and services such as food, beverage, clothing, household products, mobile phone and insurance, generally with a space of more than 15,000 square feet (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009). According to Griffiths1 (2009), there are currently eight large grocery retailers in the UK, which are Tesco with 31% market share in 2008, ASDA (16.5%), the Co-operative (4.3%), Morrison (11.5%), Sainsbury’s (16%), Waitrose (3.8%), etc. These sets of firms account for an important proportion of food sales such as baked goods, dairy products, meat and also have increase in the sale of non-food product lines covering OTC pharmaceuticals, clothing, electrical products, music and insurance. Generally, supermarkets use a common fascia with a franchise mode, membership agreement or alternatively or they may be directly owned by the symbol groups. They are aiming at the shoppers in the UK covering men, women and kids who require different items from different sectors such as food sector and non-food sectors.
  Aims and Objectives
  This report examines the external environment and competitive intensity of supermarket industry in the UK based on the secondary data. The competitive advantages and characteristics of the three leading companies in the UK such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda would be analyzed as well. In particular, the future of the industry in five years can be covered for the scenario plan to some extent combining with the environment scanning.   External Environmental Analysis
  Planning Regulations
  In 2000, the department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) stated:
  ‘The government remains firmly committed to the objectives of PPG6 (Planning Policy Guidance No.6) which seeds to sustain and enhance the vitality and viability of our existing city, town, district and local centers and to make them the focus for retail investment’.
  Value Added Tax
  In times of recession, government had implemented value added tax with 15% from December 2008 to January 2010 in order to boost consumer spending but after Jan. 2010, VAT had returned to 17.5%. However, the new coalition government, in its June 2010 budget, announced an ‘unavoidable’ rise in VAT to 20% from January 2011 (Capstick, 2010). According to BBC news1 (2010), Tesco has been accused of raising prices of certain items ahead of tax rise. Thus, thousands of products will have increased in price, which would put further pressure on cash-strapped consumers. Consumers would probably buy more own label products instead of branded ones and common food instead of organic food due to the increasing price of items in supermarkets.
  Modern Life Style
  With industries and technologies development in modern society, women are increasingly required in the workplace, which lead to the society life change. According to Capstick (2010), the busy lifestyles and demands on the leisure time for most shoppers would contribute to the convenience of one-stop supermarket in the UK. Supermarkets can provide free parking and competitive price for convenience. As for the one-stop shop, most things can be found under one roof. Therefore, retail sectors can be widely developed such as clothes, households, financial service and pharmaceutical products. The opening hours are long with shift workers.
  Online shopping is another aspect because of lifestyle change, which meets the requirements for some people who prefer shopping at home, especially for those with short of time. There is a new idea about online shopping developed by Tesco as an example. According to Guardian news (2010), Tesco has tried to provide the first drive-through supermarket service in August, 2010, which is aimed at customers who want convenience online shopping but cannot afford the time to stay in for their groceries to be delivery. The service can be ordered online and the goods can be collected in two-hour slot.
  Technology Application   Conclusion
  Overall, supermarket industry remains strong in the UK with a high growth rate. The key issues such as regulation permission, increasing value added tax, modern lifestyle change and technology innovation could affect the whole industry to some extent. After the turbulent years, the supermarket industry in the UK has become relatively stable, simple but dynamic nowadays. The industry has been growing with high barrier to new entrants, low power of suppliers, medium power of customer, neutral threat of substitutes and intense competition. The big four companies have dominated within the industry with their unique advantages. Furthermore, during a period of 2015-2020, non-food lines for one–stop stores could be deeply required with an expanding market. Online delivery could continue to highlight and upgrading technological systems could be invested for a long term strategy.
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  李田(1985-),女, 汉族, 四川温江人,硕士研究生,就职于西安外国语大学商学院,研究方向为国际商务。
摘 要:最近几年来我国房地产市场的发展速度惊人,大部分一线城市、中心城市的房地产项目基本趋于饱和,此时很多房地产企业将投资的目光集中在副中心城市。对于房地产企业这种在投资方式上的转变,在投资规划上的改变对于促进我国副中心城市的快速发展极为有利。但是,由于近年来房地产市场的过热,国家加大了对房地产市场的宏观调控力度,这些都为房地产企业的投资环境带来了很多不确定性因素。因此,本文将以此作为研究的契机和
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摘 要:财务风险管理是指对企业在生产经营过程中存在的各种财务相关的风险进行识别、度量、分析并进一步采取相关风险控制手段的一种风控方法,其中财务风险管理方法中又以Z-Score模型最为经典。本文主要以华谊兄弟为例,根据其财务报表历史数据,运用Z-Score对其财务风险进行了实证检验和分析。  关键词:财务风险;华谊兄弟;Z-Score模型  引言  随着经济的发展,人们对于风险管理这方面的认知越来越
摘 要:我国金融市场不断完善就要求其信贷政策的有效落实,为了进一步规范金融市场也需要加强信贷政策的执行,通过信贷政策,我们可以清晰的发现国家对于何种产业进行了大力的支持,因此,关注信贷政策有利于企业的发展方向选择,同时也是为了顺应国家金融市场的发展趋势。  关键词:金融机构;信贷政策;现状;评析  现阶段的中国金融市场还不完善,需要不断规范金融机构的行为来进行金融市场的健康有序运行,这其中对于金融
摘 要:营改增对企业的会计处理和报表制定均能产生影响。本文尝试研究营改增环境下的企业会计处理和报表改善,意在起到抛砖引玉之用。  关键词:营改增;企业会计处理;企业会计报表  引言  营改增是社会主义市场经济体制下为促进我国企业获得经济新发展而实施的新政策,营改增税收结构可以帮助企业形成结构减税,提升企业的市场竞争力。营改增对企业的会计处理和报表制定均能产生影响。本文尝试研究营改增环境下的企业会计
摘 要:高校财务管理在面对大数据时代的到来时,面对着新的挑战,而高校财务管理工作效率得到提高的先决条件就是改革高校财务管理机制,建设信息化财务管理体系。高校财务信息化的建设可以有利于加强财务信息的安全性能、有利于财务部门实现科学化和精细化管理、提高高校财务管理水平和服务、促进财务工作效率得到提高,本文还分析了当前我国高校财务信息化,并根据问题提出了相应的对策,希望能在相关领域做出自己的贡献。  关