南天春早 花放书坛

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“最是一年春好处”,当一九八一年春节到来之时,全国第一届书法篆刻展览,继沈阳、北京和南宁之后,在贵州省会贵阳揭幕了。这次展出,乘东风之便,得气候之宜,艺林群树,映照千枝,正好作为新春的最早献礼。不仅在贵州,就是在全国,凡是得以观光书法展览的人们,无不异口同声,交相称道这次对祖国书坛大检阅的空前盛举。参加展出的,除全国二十九个省、市、自治区知名硕彦和继起新秀的作品而外,还有老一辈革命家、中央领导同志,已故书法篆刻家以及港澳同胞、台湾同胞的作品。展品凡五百余件,且不拘一格,不限流派,其中有体貌端重、行列秀整的楷书,有流利飘逸、沉着 “The Spring Festival is the Best of the Year”. When the Spring Festival in 1981 came, the first calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition in the country opened in Guiyang, capital of Guizhou Province, following Shenyang, Beijing and Nanning. This exhibition, take advantage of the east wind, the climate should be appropriate, Art Linqun trees, reflecting a thousand, just as the earliest New Year gift. Not only in Guizhou, but also in the whole country, all people who have been able to sightseeing calligraphy exhibitions are unanimously praised and unanimously praised for their unprecedented grand performance of the large review of the motherland’s book industry. Participated in the exhibition, in addition to the country’s 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, known as Masahiko and following rookie works, but also the older generation of revolutionaries, the central leadership comrades, calligraphies and the late calligrapher and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, compatriots in Taiwan, Taiwan compatriots s work. Exhibits where five hundred pieces, and eclectic, not limited to genres, including the appearance, the ranks of the regular script, fluent elegant, calm
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