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  Presents?Open Season
  圣诞节、新年、春节、元宵节、情人节…… 一个接一个的节日,你是否又开始为节日送什么礼物而烦恼了呢?不如我们一起来看看本期为大家介绍的新奇玩意儿,看看是不是能帮你找到更好的idea呢。
  Bored on the bog?
  Sudoku Toilet Roll数独厕所卷纸
  ①Sudoku is a massive puzzling craze[狂热] that has swept[横扫] the world. The Sudoku toilet paper roll makes a great gift idea for puzzle lovers and Sudoku fans. Just pull down the sheets and start filling in Sudoku puzzles. This addictive[令人上瘾的] little game will keep you amused[愉快的] for hours.
  If I could paint
  a picture of you
  Digital Photo Frame 数字相架
  This new digital photo frame would be a good choice for enjoying digital photos. Simply put the ②memory card[记忆卡] into the slot[插槽] in the back of the frame, and watch the pictures scroll[滚动显示] through. Sit back and enjoy. With its sound capabilities you can play your favorite music while it scrolls through your photo collection. You can even control all its features and select different pictures with a remote control[遥控器] while you sit back and enjoy the memories.
  Put some sunshine in your life
  Weather Forecaster With Color Changing Base 带变色底座的天气预报器
  This scientific weather forecaster will change the color of its base to reflect the weather outside. It also provides incredibly[难以置信的] detailed weather forecasts and measures the indoor temperature too. With its radio controlled clock reception you will always know the exact time and with its two-minute crescendo[音量渐强的] alarm with an eight-minute ③snooze[打瞌睡] function, you will never be able to blame your alarm clock for being late to work again.
  Roll on by!
  ④LED Light Up Roller Skates
  Unlike traditional roller skates on the market, these wheels strap[用带缚住] onto your existing trainers[软运动鞋] or other shoes. You can adjust these skates to fit almost any size shoe or trainer. These skates have flashing[闪光的] lights on the wheels when you fly around on them, making you look even cooler. As with all skates we advise that the usual helmets[头盔] and protective bits are worn.
  Catch a falling star
  Mood Beams
  The Mood Beams are a great lamp as a gift for the girl in your life. They make great night-lights[夜灯] for kids and also grown-ups who are afraid of the dark. Leave one in the loo[<英俚>厕所] to light you on your way. In addition to being cute, Mood Beams will put on their very own light show especially for you including: heartbeat, rainbow, strobe[闪光], color dance, and color hold. The Mood Beams have a built-in beat[节拍] sensor[感应器] and will join in the party by interacting[互相作用] with the music.
  Know More
  ① Sudoku 数独(游戏)
  ② memory card 记忆卡
  ③ snooze function贪睡功能
  指在闹钟响的时候按贪睡键可以几分钟之后再闹一次,这样可以给人几分钟的懒觉时间,按了关闭键后,就不会再响。“an eight-minute snooze function”是指按了贪睡键后闹钟再次响的时间间隔为8分钟。
  ④ LED (light-emitting diode) 发光二级管

A Grateful Heart to Recollect Joy   Thanksgiving Day is a day to develop a grateful heart. Do not think it is just a day to be sentimental[感伤的]. Being grateful is a practice to develop in our daily li
前段时间,编辑部特别流行的一部电影就是The Devil Wears Prada(《口语版》试刊三期曾经介绍过哦),那对于一些流行的东西大家又是如何看待呢,我们一起来看看下面这段对话吧!当然更要用心地看一下我们的Smart Sentences,随时随地都会用得上哦。    Fall in Love with High-heel Shoes    Part Three  Rob: Hey Sue,
1.Man is so made that he can only findrelaxation from one kind of labor by tak-ing up another.——Anatole France人天生就注定只能从一件接一件的工作中寻求放松。
Applications and Interviews   这一期我们继续来看一下在面试中更关键的两个环节吧:  1. Stating Your Qualifications说明任职资格  2. Describing Your Experience 工作经验描述    1. Stating Your Qualifications   说明任职资格。为什么要聘用你呢?你可一定要说出一些充分的理由哦,
如何对句子画线部分提问?  对句子画线部分提问,是一个很常见、但却令很多学生望而生畏的题型。今天,Benson老师就教大家三招,让你轻松应对。  (1)在句子的画线部分填上合适的疑问词。  (2)将疑问词提至句首。  (3)将疑问词后的句子部分变成一般疑问句。(温馨提示:除了注意原句的人称和时态,千万还要记得句尾改用问号啊。)  下面,立马来给大家示范一下如何就下面句子的画线部分进行提问。  1.
英语绕口令 English Tongue Twisters     As snug as a bug in a rug.  舒服得像地毯里的甲虫。  There are artful artists and awful artists, although there are a lot of awesome, artful artists, annoying, awful artists occu
The Power of Persuasion  本期我们挑选了4个电影片断,跟大家展示一下说服的力量。所谓君子动口不动手,如何用英语说服对方呢?不如我们就一起来看看以下几位高手吧。    Scene 1:理性分析,逐步击破  演示嘉宾:Liddle & Frank Towns  搬出合理的逻辑推理,搬出数据分析,理性地分析问题,对对方提出的每个假定予以正确的分析,并找出破绽予以击破,最后一定会压
The Magic Color  Christine: Paul, thanks for taking me to see The Devil Wears Prada tonight. That was a great movie. I really enjoyed it!  Paul: I thought you would, Christine. You’re ①so into fashion
Forget it, all right?  From the movie Flight of the Phoenix选自电影《凤凰劫》   剧情简介:一架载满石油公司员工的飞机,在前往北京途中飞越蒙古沙漠时,突遇风暴袭击而迫降于茫茫戈壁。幸存者们很快从大难不死的喜悦中清醒过来,他们沮丧地意识到不但飞机严重受损无法起飞,就连同外界的联系也一并中断,根本没有呼叫救援的可能。此时,队员杰里米想只身一人