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耳蝇蛆病临床少见。因对本病认识不足,常被误诊误治,造成中耳乳突破坏,甚至酿成颅内并发症危及病人生命。现将我院近40年来所遇4例报告如下,并就本病的发病特点、诊治及预防等加以讨论。1.病原学及流行病学蝇蛆病多数为狂蝇科和皮下蝇科的某些蝇类幼虫所致。临床上依蝇蛆寄生部位不同分为肠道、眼、耳、鼻、咽、喉、口腔、阴道、尿道、皮肤蝇蛆病等。散见于全国各地。国内已报告30余例,其中耳鼻咽喉部蝇蛆病20余例。就耳鼻喉科范围而言以鼻腔较多,耳道次之。耳蝇蛆病常由于该器官分泌物有臭味或发生炎症而招致蝇产卵或排蛆而致。故多见于外耳道炎及化脓性中耳炎患者。本文4例中有2例继发于慢性化脓性中耳炎,1例继发于外耳道炎。蝇虫钻入耳道产卵后,经8~10小时即可孵出幼虫,对组织有强大的破坏力。本病多发生于蝇类孳生季节。上述 Ear myiasis clinically rare. Due to lack of understanding of the disease, often misdiagnosed and mistakenly treated, resulting in destruction of the middle ear mastoid, and even lead to intracranial complications endanger the lives of patients. Now in our hospital in the past 40 years, 4 cases are reported as follows, and the incidence of this disease characteristics, diagnosis and treatment and prevention are discussed. 1. Etiology and epidemiology Myiasis is mostly caused by certain fly larvae of the Muscidae and Psidium. Clinically according to different parts of maggots parasites divided into intestinal, eye, ear, nose, pharynx, larynx, oral cavity, vagina, urethra, myiasis and other skin. Scattered all over the country. China has reported more than 30 cases, of which more than 20 cases of otorhinolaryngology myiasis. In the ENT range to the nasal cavity more, followed by the ear canal. Ear maggot disease is often caused by stinking or inflammation of the organ excretion, causing the spawning or maggot of the fly. It is more common in otitis media and suppurative otitis media patients. In this paper, 4 cases were secondary to chronic suppurative otitis media, 1 case secondary to otitis externa. Fly insects drill into the ear canal spawning, after 8 to 10 hours to hatch larvae, the organization has a strong destructive power. The disease occurs in flies breeding season. Above
1998年第三期《百年潮》发表的章立凡先生《毛诗漫品》一文,持论客观,见解精辟,读后受益良多。末章“存疑”一则,尤深有同感。  1996年新版《毛泽东诗词集》新收17首诗词,“出版说明”称绝大部分是依据作者身边工作人员当年按手稿照录的抄件刊印的,这些手稿没有保存下来;抄件有些是经作者审定过的,有些则没有。鉴于不能排除可能有当初毛氏所录别人(或替别人修改)的作品或是别人寄给毛的诗词(现在所知,这些情
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例1,女婴,35天,第三胎足月顺产。发热咳嗽,气促14天,全身青紫,拒奶3天。其母怀孕第9周时曾患风疹。体查:R60次/分,P180次/分,胸骨左缘第3~4肋间可闻收缩期杂音Ⅲ级,X线 Exam