The application of compressed sensing in synthetic transmit aperture medical ultrasound imaging

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:datangkang123
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In synthetic transmit aperture medical ultrasound imaging field,a compressed sensing ultrasound imaging method based on the sparsity in frequency domain is presented in order to reduce huge amount of data and large numbers of receiving channels.First,the sparsity in frequency domain is verified.Then the echo signal is compressively sampled in time-spatial domain based on compressed sensing and the echo signal is reconstructed by solving an optimization problem.Finally the image is made by using the synthetic transmit aperture approach.The experiments based on point target and fetus target are used to verify the proposed method.The MSE,resolution and image quality of reconstructed image and those of original image are compared and analyzed.The results show that only 30%amount of data and 50%of receiving channels were used to implement ultrasound imaging without reducing the quality of image in experiment.The amount of data and the complexity of system are reduced greatly by the proposed method based on compressed sensing. In synthetic transmit aperture medical ultrasound imaging field, a compressed sensing ultrasound imaging method based on the sparsity in frequency domain is presented in order to reduce huge amount of data and large numbers of receiving channels. First, the sparsity in frequency domain is verified. the echo signal is compressively sampled in time-spatial domain based on compressed sensing and the echo signal is reconstructed by solving an optimization problem. Finaally the image is made by using the synthetic transmit aperture approach. experiments based on point target and fetus target are used to verify the proposed method. MSE, resolution and image quality of reconstructed image and those of original image are compared and analyzed.The results show that only 30% amount of data and 50% of receiving channels were used to implement ultrasound imaging without reducing the quality of image in experiment. amount of data and the complexity of system are reduced greatly by the proposed method based on compressed sensing.
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1 前言  健美操是以人体为对象,以健美为目标,以身体练习为内容,以艺术创造为手段,融体操、舞蹈、音乐为一体的一项新兴体育项目。运动者在明快的节奏中进行全身各关节、各部位的节律运动,沉入节奏的美境,融化在物我两忘的艺术审美境介、陶醉于音乐的旋律之中,在欢乐中健身、美体、减肥。健美操正以它强大的生命力风靡世界,人们对健美操的理论研究也越来越深入。  2 健美操的健心价值  2.1 可增强对音乐节奏的
要提高职高学生全面素质、综合职业技能和适应职业变化的能力,职高语文教学改革已迫在眉睫,势在必行了。  一、职高语文教学现状分析  目前,大多数职高语文教学过程中重知识轻能力,重传授轻探究,重结论轻过程,重共性轻差异,重独立轻合作,重认知轻情感,重课内轻课外等传统教学固有的弊端依然普遍存在,严重制约了学生的发展,与当今专业课改革相距甚远。在传统教学观念长期影响下的语文教师,一时很难摒弃旧观念的痼疾,
Underwater acoustic channels are recognized for being one of the most difficult propagation media due to considerable difficulties such as: multipath, ambient n