
来源 :浙江肿瘤通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheng8023jiajia
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大肠癌为消化道常见的恶性肿瘤,在胃肠道中其发病率仅次于胃癌。结肠癌75%生长在直肠和乙状结肠,多见于30~50岁,男性较女性为多。大肠癌祖国医学虽无专题专书论述,按其症状分散记载在所谓“积聚”、“肠覃”范围,病至后期,癌肿增大,使肠腔肛门狭窄,犹如锁住肛门一样,故中医又称“锁肛痔”,《外科大成》说:“锁肛痔,肛门内外犹如竹节锁紧。形如海蛇,里急后重,粪便细而带扁,时流臭水。”当出现里急后重,大便次数增多下痢赤白,又归属于“下痢”范围。从1964年以来,在党的领导下,在老中医的指导下,在临床实践中运用中草药治疗肿瘤做了一些工作,仍缺乏经验,没有搞好资料积累,在这里介绍一下肤浅看法,供参考。现将本 Colorectal cancer is a common malignancy of the digestive tract. Its incidence in the gastrointestinal tract is second only to gastric cancer. 75% of colon cancer grows in the rectum and sigmoid colon, more common in 30 to 50 years old, male than female. Although there is no special monograph on colorectal cancer in the motherland, the symptoms are scattered in the so-called “accumulation” and “intestinal fistula.” In the late stage, the cancer enlarges, making the anus narrow in the intestine, as if the anus is locked. Chinese medicine is also known as “anal fistula,” and “surgery Dacheng” says: “The anal fistula is locked, and the internal and external anus is like a bamboo joint. It is shaped like a sea snake, tenesmus, and the feces are fine and flat, and the flow of stinking water.” When there is tenesmus, The increase in the frequency of bowel movements increases the number of diarrhea patients and is attributed to the range of diarrhea. Since 1964, under the leadership of the Party, under the guidance of old Chinese medicine practitioners, Chinese herbal medicine has been used in the treatment of tumors in clinical practice. However, it still lacks experience and has not done a good job of accumulating information. Here I introduce superficial views for reference. . Now this
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