Influence of bus stop with left-turn lines between two adjacent signalized intersections

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuliumin3
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Based on the symmetric two-lane Nagel–Schreckenberg(STNS) model, a three-lane cellular automaton model between two intersections containing a bus stop with left-turning buses is established in which model the occurrences of vehicle accidents are taken into account. The characteristics of traffic flows with different ratios of left-turn lines are discussed via the simulation experiments. The results indicate that the left-turn lines have more negative effects on capacity,accident rate as well as delay if the stop is located close to the intersections, where the negative effect in a near-side stop is more severe than that in a far-side one. The range of appropriate position for a bus stop without the bottleneck effect becomes more and more narrow with the increase of the ratio of left-turn bus lines. When the inflow is small, a short signal cycle and a reasonable offset are beneficial. When the inflow reaches or exceeds the capacity, a longer signal cycle is helpful. But if the stop position is inappropriate, the increase of cycle fails in reducing the negative effect of left-turning buses and the effectiveness of offset is weakened. Based on the symmetric two-lane Nagel-Schreckenberg (STNS) model, a three-lane cellular automaton model between two intersections containing a bus stop with left-turning buses is established in which model the occurrences of vehicle accidents are taken into account. characteristics of traffic flows with different ratios of left-turn lines are discussed via the simulation experiments. The results said that left-turn lines have more negative effects on capacity, accident rate as well as delay if the stop is located close to the intersections , where the negative effect in a near-side stop is more severe than that in a far-side one. The range of appropriate position for a bus stop without the bottleneck effect becomes more and more narrow with the increase of the ratio of left- turn the bus lines. When the inflow is small, a short signal cycle and a reasonable offset are beneficial. When the inflow reaches or exceeds the capacity, a longer signal cycle is helpful. sition is inappropriate, the increase of cycle fails in reducing the negative effect of left-turning buses and the effectiveness of offset is weakened.
昆明市安全生产监督管理局和昆明市工商局日前联合发文,着手对该市以悬挂作业方式从事建筑物外墙和广告牌的清洗,装饰等作业的企业进行安全监管。 昆明市拟定的《昆明市高处
闵乃本男, 1935年8月出生,江苏如皋人。1951- 1954年,在上海动力机器制造学校学习。1954-1955年任上海锅炉厂技术员。1955- 1959年在南京大学物理系X光金 Min Naiben male,
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