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绘卷是日本大和绘的一种美术作品形式,产生于九世纪末。当时,随着日本文学的进步,小说发达得很快,以长幅横卷形式描绘书籍内容的作品大量产生,这种美术作品被称为绘卷。描绘小说、故事的绘卷叫做物语绘卷,它在日本美术史上留下了许多精彩的作品,《源氏物语》绘卷就是其中珍贵的一部。《源氏物语》是日本公元十世纪末的一部长篇小说。在日本古典文学中有很重要的地位,成为延绵近四百年的日本平安时代物语文学的典范,在世界文学史上,它也是一部时代很早的思想性、艺术性很高的作品。《源氏物语》绘卷是按小说故事情节发展描绘的。原作共有十卷,全部包括八十到九十幅画,每幅画都是在1.3尺到1.6尺宽的差不多同等大小的纸面上画的。作品真实地描绘了全书五十四贴的史诗般的连续画面,不仅能使人们了解整个小说的故事情节梗概,同时也给读 Painted scroll is a Japanese art form painted in Yamato, which came into being at the end of the 9th century. At that time, with the progress of Japanese literature, novels developed rapidly and a large number of works depicting the contents of books in the form of long, horizontal scrolls were produced. Such works of art were called painted scrolls. The portrayal of the novel, the story is called the storytelling scroll, which has left many wonderful works in the history of Japanese art. The “Tale of Genji” paintings are one of the precious pieces. “Tale of Genji” is a Japanese novel of the late tenth century. It plays a very important role in Japanese classical literature and serves as an example of the storytelling literature in Japan’s peaceful period for nearly four hundred years. In the history of world literature, it was also an ideological and artistic work with a very early age. The Tale of Genji pictures are based on the development of the story of the novel. The original volume consists of ten volumes, all of which range from 80 to 90 paintings, each painted on a paper of about the same size as 1.3 to 1.6 feet wide. The work truly portrays an epic serial footage of the entire book, which not only enables people to understand the outline of the story in the whole novel but also to read
安徽財经大学  Introduction: In this essay, I am going to talk about how successful overseas companies have been in adapting their products and services to the preferences of the Chinese consumers. Actually
2014的MotoGP比赛五站过后,由猛狮电池赞助支持的Dynavolt Intact GP车队也来到了意大利穆杰罗赛道,车队当家车手Sandro Cortese虽然是德国人,但他内在却流淌着意大利南部血
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北爱尔兰名将达伦·克拉克(Darren Clarke)很可能成为下届莱德杯欧洲队的队长,李·韦斯特伍德、哈灵顿以及麦克罗伊都已经站出来表示支持,在宝马大师赛上,麦克道尔也坚定地为
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人物名片  夏洪林,中国高级工艺美术师,上海工艺美术学会紫砂专业委员会副主任,中国壶文化研究会副会长,中泰艺术家联合会名誉会长。   江苏宜兴丁山人。1987年起随中国高级工艺美术师张培源学艺,亲得蒋蓉大师指点,并成为中国工艺美术大师曹亚麟得意弟子;痴迷于紫砂工艺,收藏颇丰;通晓中国历代名壶制作工艺及真品特色,精于鉴赏;尤其在茶壶设计及泥料鉴别、配比方面功力深厚。1995年开设“藏宝陶艺”馆,任馆