Historic Moment

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justmxx
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From the great mountain walk Two rural women, Chinas peasants Shoulder both the successful past and the hopefultomorrow Earnestly opening their minds during a rare get-together Relating their setbacks and successes The glittering medals are the fruit of their gains from blood and sweat Our motherland’s prosperity relies On their dedication and participation Verse by MAN SUJIE From the great mountain walk Two rural women, Chinas peasants Shoulder both the successful past and the hopefultomorrow Earnestly opening their minds during a rare to get-together Relating their setbacks and successes The glittering medals are the fruit of their gains from blood and sweat Our motherland’s prosperity Relies On their dedication and participation Verse by MAN SUJIE
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