
来源 :音乐传播 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windforce9811
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笔者在东莞市对200余位外出农民工进行了问卷调查和访谈,结合民族音乐学视角的“局内人”审视,总结出当前外出农民工音乐生活的几个特点和主要问题:音乐在外出农民工日常生活中占据重要位置,但他们参与的音乐活动相当单一;外出农民工所收听的音乐以流行歌曲为主,其他音乐资源较难获取;外出农民工获取音乐资源方式单一,欣赏音乐的条件简陋;音乐在外出农民工精神生活中占据重要位置,但他们对音乐的看法多样;外出农民工所喜爱的流行歌曲多为网络歌曲。另外可以发现,网络歌曲的特点与农民工的精神生活具有一些契合之处,因此就反映并加重了他们的某种“精神困境”。 The author conducted a questionnaire survey and interviews with more than 200 migrant workers in Dongguan City. Combined with the survey of “insiders” from the perspective of ethnomusicology, the author summarizes several characteristics and major problems of the current migrant workers’ music life: the music is going out Migrant workers occupy an important position in their daily life, but their participation in the music activities is quite simple; migrant workers listen to the music pop songs, other music resources more difficult to obtain; migrant workers get music resources in a single way, enjoy the music The conditions are primitive; the music occupies an important position in the spiritual life of migrant workers who go out, but they have various opinions on music; the migrant workers’ favorite pop songs are mostly internet songs. In addition, it can be found that the characteristics of internet songs have some similarities with the spiritual life of migrant workers, thus reflecting and aggravating some of their “spiritual dilemmas.”
立在柔和的月光下,我试图让微微的风梳理我紊乱的思绪,但我无法抹去心灵深处那个情感的约定…… Standing in the soft moonlight, I tried to let my slight wind comb my
孩子,你还记得吗?小的时候你最喜欢捉蝴蝶了。每次你奔跑时,总免不了摔上一跤。看着你胖乎乎的小手碰得青一块紫一块,父亲真的很心疼。 Children, do you remember? When yo
冬天,又是下雨天。即使在屋内也弥漫着厚重的寒气。在家躲雨的我觉得无聊,便随手拿了本书,来到火炉边,以驱赶那无边的寂寞。只是随手,却不料拿的是《红楼梦》, In winter, i
一直以来,我无法正视父母离异的事实,而它终究是赤裸裸地立在我面前,成为我心头一片挥之不去的阴云。 All along, I couldn’t face the fact that my parents had divorced
九岁那年一个下雪的傍晚,外祖母背着我去西山的医馆看病。那是一位老中医,清瘦而淡定。当他为我把脉时,叼着的烟斗飘起一圈圈青灰色的烟, At the age of nine on the snowy
JokesJenny:Let’s go and water the flowers.Bob:It’s raining.Jenny:Then we can take an umbrella*! Peter:Teacher:When I put in my pa ssword(密码)on the computer,
从小,就痴迷于吃,酸甜苦辣咸,五味兼收。5岁那年的夏天,正是午休的时光,厨房隐约飘来一阵似有若无的面香。口水顿时在嘴里“汹涌澎湃”, Since childhood, I have been obse