Antibacterial activity of honey in north-west Pakistan against select human pathogens

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tongys
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OBJECTIVE:To investigate the antimicrobial activity of commercially available honey and raw honey samples in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,Pakistan,against pathogenic bacterial strains.METHODS:Well diffusion assays were performed to screen pure and diluted honey samples for antibacterial activity against six Gram-negative and six Gram-positive bacterial strains.Zones of inhibition were measured and compared with 10 mg Gentamycin.RESULTS:When honey samples were diluted to20%-70%,the honey samples showed no activity to mild antibacterial activity.The highest antibacterial activity was recorded when 90%and pure undiluted honey samples were tested and compared with a control Gentamycin disc(10 mg).CONCLUSION:Commercially processed honey and raw honey samples from north-west of Pakistan possess good antimicrobial potential. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the antimicrobial activity of commercially available honey and raw honey samples in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, against pathogenic bacterial strains. METHODS: Well Diffusion assays were performed to screen pure and diluted honey samples for antibacterial activity against six Gram-negative and six Gram-positive bacterial strains. Zones of inhibition were measured and compared with 10 mg Gentamycin .RESULTS: When honey samples were diluted to 20% -70%, the honey samples showed no activity to mild antibacterial activity. The highest antibacterial activity was recorded when 90 % and pure undiluted honey samples were tested and compared with a control Gentamycin disc (10 mg) .CONCLUSION: Commercially processed honey and raw honey samples from north-west of Pakistan possess good antimicrobial potential.
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