High Order Mode Dumping of the 100 kW RF Amplifier

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a67987637
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CYCIAE-100, the 100 MeV high intensity cyclotron, is a major part of the ongoing project of BRIF at CIAE. Two identical 100 kW RF amplifiers will be used to drive two cavities independently to accelerate H- beam up to 100 MeV. Each of them includes a 100 kW RF amplifier, a 36 meters long CYCIAE-100, the 100 MeV high intensity cyclotron, is a major part of the ongoing project of BRIF at CIAE. Two identical 100 kW RF amplifiers will be used to drive two cavitiespendent to accelerate H-beam up to 100 MeV. Each of them includes a 100 kW RF amplifier, a 36 meters long
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