
来源 :英语辅导(疯狂英语中学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seraphim
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本期我们选择了“面对分手”作为“花季故事”的主题。“早恋”在中学生中一向是个敏感的话题,但不可否认的却是,这样的情况已经越来越普遍。有恋爱自然便有分手,而青少年正处于心智尚未完全成熟的阶段,面对突如其来的打击,需要的是旁人的关怀和适当的指引。思量再三,我们决定直面这个问题,希望能陪伴大家尽快走出雨季,拥抱美好的人生。也希望广大读者敞开心扉,写信告诉我们你的经历和感受。 In this issue, we have chosen to face “breaking up” as the theme of the “flower story”. “Puppy love” has always been a sensitive topic among middle school students, but it is undeniable that such a situation has become more and more common. Naturally, there is a breakup in love, and young people are at a stage when their minds are not yet fully mature. In the face of sudden blows, what is needed is the care and appropriate guidance of others. After thinking about it again and again, we decided to face this problem, hoping to accompany everyone as soon as possible out of the rainy season and embrace a better life. I also hope that readers will open their hearts and write to us about your experiences and feelings.
1.看过电视连续剧《西游记》的同学,无不称赞孙悟空腾云驾雾的本领.然而,扮演孙悟空的演员真能腾云驾雾吗? 解析:孙悟空腾云驾雾是利用运动的相对性拍摄的.例如,孙悟空“驾
《小溪流》的编辑们: 您们好!我是一名农村中学生。几天前,班主任拿来几本《小溪流》。由于老师在此之前说过这本课外书有多好,多好!于是同学们争先恐后地到老师手中抢!班主
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DNA是用来干什么的?电视剧看多了,剧情发展到争产、争子,就要验DNA。这只是DNA商业应用之一,现在已发展到作DNA的改变、移植,最新应用是预定性别。美国生化工程公 DNA is us
每个人的身体中每秒钟有近40万个放射性原子分裂成其它原子。不过,你用不着担心身体会裂开。人体每个细胞平均有90万亿个原子,是40万个原子的22,500万倍. Every human body
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。数学优化训练设计(二)!江苏@姚绍相!江西@付宁千 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to
白天,我穿着那些咬着牙买来的还算体面的衣服去上班,但是到了晚上,我和孩子又得回到丈夫租的那间简陋潮湿的出租屋里。 During the day, I went to work in fairly decent c