Time-domain characteristics of overlying strata failure under condition of longwall ascending mining

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caozhongxiang520
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Ascending mining is one of the most effective ways to solve problems of water inrush, gas outburst and rock burst in coal seams mining. In order to reveal the law of motion and spatiotemporal relationship of overlaying strata, field measurement has been done in a mine. Long distance drillings were constructed from 4# coal seam to 6# coal seam at several certain typical positions, and movement and failure law of overlying strata after mining was analyzed by drilling video and observing the fluid leakage. Besides, we also analyzed the spatiotemporal development law of overlying strata failure with different mining heights and time intervals in the lower coal seam. The results show that: ascending mining is significantly affected by time-domain characteristics of overlaying strata failure after the lower coal seam’s mining, height equations of caving zone and fractured zone are given in this paper, and the feasibility of ascending mining was compartmentalized concretely according to the spatiotemporal relationship. Research methods and conclusions of this paper have certain referential significance for the study of ascending mining, mining under water, mining under building, mining under railway and stress-relief mining. Ascending mining is one of the most effective ways to solve problems of water inrush, gas outburst and rock burst in coal seams mining. In order to reveal the law of motion and spatiotemporal relationship of overlaying strata, field measurement has been done in a mine. Long distance drillings were constructed from 4 # coal seam to 6 # coal seam at several certain typical positions, and movement and failure law of overlying strata after mining was analyzed by drilling video and observing the fluid leakage. Besides, we also analyzed the spatiotemporal development law of overlying strata failure with different mining heights and time intervals in the lower coal seam. The results show that: ascending mining is significantly affected by time-domain characteristics of overlaying strata failure after the lower coal seam’s mining, height equations of caving zone and fractured zone are given in this paper, and the feasibility of ascending mining was compartmentalized concretely according to the s Research methods and conclusions of this paper have certain referential significance for the study of ascending mining, mining under water, mining under building, mining under railway and stress-relief mining.
目的 探讨放射性核素在骨显像及骨转移癌治疗中的利用价值.方法 给患者静脉推注99Tcm-亚甲基二膦酸盐(MDP)925~1110 MBq,2~4 h行SPECT全身骨显像,如果发现一个患者在不同部位骨转移灶>3个,建议该患者行放射性核素治疗.结果 各种癌症患者发生骨转移率达50%,特别是前列腺癌、乳腺癌和肺癌患者,骨转移率可达70%~85%.骨转移患者中有70%以上的有骨痛症状,广泛骨转移、顽固性
目的 观察恩替卡韦治疗慢性重型乙型肝炎(早、中期)的疗效.方法 选择慢性重型乙型肝炎患者40例,随机分治疗组20例及对照组20例.治疗组在综合治疗基础上加恩替卡韦0.5 mg,口服,1次/d,连续4周;治疗前后观察患者的症状、体征、肝肾功能、凝血酶原活动度、乙肝病毒标志物、HBV-DNA定量等变化.结果 治疗组总有效人数18例,无效2例,对照组总有效人数10例,10例无效,治疗组总有效人数明显高于
对本院2002年1月至2008年4月经胆道镜治疗胆管结石156例分析如下.  1 临床资料  1.1 一般资料本组男71例,女85例,年龄27~76岁,平均53岁.治疗前经B超、CT、MRCP、ERCP、T管造影等检查提示有胆道结石存在.其中肝外胆管结石99例,肝内胆管结石32例,肝内外胆管结石35例。