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今天,意大利帕多瓦市医院来电话,通知我下个月做近视眼矫正手术。这不由得勾起我对一位朋友的思念,因为我们两年前就是在帕多瓦医院里认识的,他叫丹尼尔。当时,我陪我先生陆卡去帕多瓦医院做近视眼手术,这是一家国家医院,所以做这种手术是免费的,但是要排号,我先生排了一年的队,终于轮到做手术了。与我先生同一病房的病友中有一个戴眼镜的小伙子,一副文质彬彬的样子,他很爱笑,一笑起来,他眼镜下又大又宽的鼻子就显得特别突出。我们互相认识了一下。他告诉我们,他叫丹尼尔,住在帕多瓦市,来这里做近视 Today, the city of Padua, Italy, a phone call to inform me next month to do myopia correction surgery. This can not help but remind me of a friend, because we met in the hospital in Padua two years ago, he called Daniel. At that time, I was going to my hospital in Padua with my husband Luka for myopia surgery. This is a national hospital so I did this surgery for free. However, Surgery. Among the patients with my husband in the same ward was a boy with glasses, a very gentle look. He laughed very much. With a smile, his large, wide nose under his glasses was particularly prominent. We met each other. He told us that he called Daniel, who lived in Padua and came here for myopia
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在社区中,有这样一批普普通通的人,许多年来,他们为街居工作默默奉献,赢得了广大居民的尊敬。今天,本刊就介绍这样一位平常的人—— In the community, there are such a gr
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