
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dabobo38
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高粱是我省重要粮食作物。1986~1989年平均播种面积660.1万亩。占全省粮谷播种面积的16.3%;总产161.6万吨,占粮谷总产的13.5%。产量的高低对全省总产有巨大影响。辽宁是我国高粱主要产区之一。播种面积占全国高粱播种面积的24.6%,总产占全国高粱总产的31.3%,均居全国第一。平均单产240公斤/亩,比全国高12.3%,其单产水平在全国处于领先地位。辽宁高粱单产与美国1987年单产292.4公斤/亩相比低18.0%,距先进的高粱生产国生产水平尚有差距。随着农业产业结构和粮食收购政策的变化,近年来我省高粱生产出现了新特点:高粱种植面积减少,1952年全省高粱播种面积2302万亩,占粮食作物种植面积的42%;1962年尚有1435万亩;1972年降至1281万亩;1982年降 Sorghum is an important grain crop in our province. From 1986 to 1989, the average sown area was 6,601,000 mu. Accounting for 16.3% of the grain sown area in the province; with a total output of 1.616 million tons, accounting for 13.5% of the total grain output. The level of output has a tremendous impact on the province’s total output. Liaoning is one of the major producing areas of sorghum in China. The sown area accounts for 24.6% of the sown area of ​​sorghum in the country, with the total output accounting for 31.3% of the total output of sorghum in the country, ranking first in the country. The average yield of 240 kg / mu, 12.3% higher than the national average, its yield level in the leading position in the country. Yield of sorghum in Liaoning Province is 18.0% lower than the yield of 292.4 kg / mu in the United States in 1987, which is still far from the production level of advanced sorghum producing countries. With the change of agricultural industrial structure and grain purchase policy, the sorghum production in our province has seen new features in recent years: the sown area of ​​sorghum has been reduced. In 1952, the sown area of ​​sorghum in the province was 23.02 million mu, accounting for 42% of the acreage of food crops. In 1962 There are still 14.35 million mu; in 1972 it dropped to 12.81 million mu; in 1982 it dropped