Why Does My Body Want to Snack?

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Sometimes a snack quiets your growling stomach. But sometimes you just feel like munching, even though you're not really hungry. French researchers recently found that this second type of snack attack
閱读下面的短文,然后判断文后句子的正(T)、误(F)。  Many American families live busy lives. Every week, the children have sports, music lessons, club meetings, and many other activities, including(包括) hours of homework. The
1. Amon___________his ship in a big storm when a giant fish came out of the sea.  A. will sail B. is sailing C. was sailing D. has sailed  【解析】 句意:Amon驾船在暴风雨中航行时,一条大鱼从海里游了出来。考查动词时态辨析。本句是when引导的时间状语从句,
I. 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。  1. My uncle passed some ____________________ (火柴) to my father.  2. More ____________________ (最近), he's appeared in a number of British films.  3. Cathy put her bicycle _______
一、单词重音  重音分单词重音和语句重音两种。这里就单词重音的规则作如下说明。  只要是两个音节以上的单词都有一个重音,一些长的单词有两个重音,极少数的词有三个重音。英语单词重音的位置可以在任何一个音节上。在遇到一个新单词时,一般情况下,最可靠的办法是查词典,按照音标来读音。不过,有一些单词的重音是可以找到规律的,可以根据它们的拼法、前后缀等来判断。  以下一些规则可供学习重音时参考:  1. 双
A  If you want a different kind of holiday, then go and stay at the Tower Hotel in Sway, Hampshire. The hotel is over 200 feet high, and over 100 years old. It has 13 floors and four double bedrooms,
根據表格内容,选择最佳答案。  1. Who likes Andy Lau the best?  A. Andyfan. B. 1000reasons. C. Movieman. D. Lindalee.  2. Why did Andyfan cry?  A. She was sad at a concert. B. She was angry with Jacky Cheung.  C.
一、询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法  1. 询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦时,常用以下几种结构来表达:  What's the matter (with sb.)? (某人)怎么了?  What's wrong (with sb.)? (某人)怎么了?  What's the trouble (with sb.)? (某人)出什么事了?  What happened (to sb.)
近年來中考阅读理解试题中出现了许多完成表格类型题,所填表格内容有的在文章中可直接找到,有的则需要根据文章内容加以总结。而且作为主观题,很多时候答案并不唯一,可以有多种答题方式,不过其根本的原则就是要忠于文章内容。不管选用哪种回答方式,我们都应在理解文章内容的基础上做出理想的解答。请看下面这道阅读理解题。  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。  Did you sleep the day aw
1. Which of the five is least like the other four?
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