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中药房标准化管理的内容中药房标准化管理,是一种科学的管理方法,即以各种药政法规、条例、规章制度为依据,以责任制为核心,以信息论、系统论、控制论等现代化管理理论为指导,以标准化为基本表现形式,把质量控制贯穿于工作全过程的每一道工序,从而提高中药药剂工作质量和效率,达到目标最优化的目的。中药房标准化管理是多种责任制如岗位责任、技术责任、经济责任、质量责任、管理责任等的综合体现。其中贯穿着行政管理、思想管理、技术管理、经济管理等,是综合的管理方法,使中药房各个岗位、各项工作、各级人员都以指标为准绳,把政治与业务、个人与集体、下道工序与上道工序等工作密切连结起来,强化质控作用,达到整体功能的最优化。标准化管理以其目标管理、定量管理、程序化 The content of the standardization management of pharmacies The pharmacy standardization management is a scientific management method, that is, based on various drug administration regulations, rules, and regulations, with accountability as the core, modernization based on information theory, system theory, and cybernetics. Management theory as a guide, standardization as the basic form of expression, quality control throughout the entire process of the work of each procedure, so as to improve the quality and efficiency of traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy work to achieve the goal of the goal of optimization. The standardized management of traditional Chinese medicine houses is a comprehensive embodiment of various responsibility systems such as job responsibilities, technical responsibilities, economic responsibilities, quality responsibilities, and management responsibilities. Among them, administrative management, thought management, technical management, and economic management are adopted as comprehensive management methods. All positions, work, and personnel at all levels of the pharmacy are guided by the indicators and use politics, business, individuals, and collectives. The next process is closely linked with the previous process, and the quality control function is enhanced to achieve the optimization of the overall function. Standardized management with its goal management, quantitative management, proceduralization
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12种贝母类中药的紫外光谱经赋值量化后进行聚类分析,试以数图法客观量化地评价各贝母样品间的内在质量关系 The UV spectra of 12 Fritillaria species were quantified and q
还记得小时候与他初次相识。蜷缩在被子中,我睡眼惺忪地翻开书。扉页上,乔治·奥威尔的面容竟让我惧怕,我从他的神情中看不到一点儿慈祥。  我走进了他的动物农场。在那里,动物反抗人类的专制,建立了自己的政权。多么令人欢欣鼓舞!我向他看去,想对他会心一笑,但他的面容依旧严峻,只冷冷地望着从农场上升起的袅袅炊烟。  我继续探索着。几头猪显示出了自己的领导天赋,成了农场主,但农场的社会却越发阴暗、专横。动物们