
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdy516
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Previous in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging ( 1H-MRSI) studies have found reduced levels of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) in multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions, the surrounding normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) and cortical grey matter (CGM), suggesting neuronal and axonal dysfunction and loss. Other metabolites, such as myoinositol (Ins), creatine (Cr), choline (Cho), and glutamate plus glutamine (Glx), can also be quantified by 1H-MRSI, and studies have indicated that concentrations of these metabolites may also be altered in MS. Relatively little is known about the time course of such metabolite changes. This preliminary study aimed to characterise changes in total NAA (tNAA, the sum of NAA and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate), Cr, Cho, Ins and Glx concentrations in NAWM and in CGM, and their relationship with clinical outcome, in subjects with clinically early relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). Twenty RRMS subjects and 10 healthy control subjects underwent 1H-MRSI examinations yearly for two years. Using the LCModel, tNAA, Cr, Cho, Ins and Glx concentrations were estimated both in NAWM and CGM. At baseline, the concentration of tNAA was significantly reduced in the NAWM of the MS patients compared to the control group (-7 %, p = 0.003), as well as in the CGM (-8.7 %, p = 0.009). NAWM tNAA concentrations tended to recover from baseline, but otherwise tissue metabolite profiles did not significantly change in the MS subjects, or relatively between MS and healthy control subjects. While neuronal and axonal damage is apparent from the early clinical stages of MS, this study suggests that initially it may be partly reversible. Compared with other MR imaging measures, serial 1H-MRSI maybe relatively less sen sitive to progressive pathological tissue changes in early RRMS. Previous in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI) studies have found reduced levels of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) in multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions, the surrounding normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) and cortical gray matter CGM), suggesting neuronal and axonal dysfunction and loss. Other metabolites, such as myoinositol (Ins), creatine (Cr), choline (Cho), and glutamate plus glutamine (Glx), can also be quantified by 1H-MRSI, and studies have indicated that concentrations of these metabolites may also be altered in MS. Relatively little is known about the time course of such metabolite changes. This preliminary study aimed to characterize changes in total NAA (tNAA, the sum of NAA and N-acetyl-aspartyl -glutamate, Cr, Cho, Ins and Glx concentrations in NAWM and in CGM, and their relationship with clinical outcome, in subjects with clinically early relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). Twenty RRMS subjects and 10 healthy control subjects underwent 1H MRSI examinati ons yearly for two years. Using the LCModel, tNAA, Cr, Cho, Ins and Glx concentrations were estimated both in NAWM and CGM. At baseline, the concentration of tNAA was significantly reduced in the NAWM of the MS patients compared to the control group (-7%, p = 0.003), NAWM tNAA concentrations tended to recover from baseline, but otherwise tissue metabolite profiles did not significantly change in the MS subjects, or Relative between MS and healthy control subjects. While neuronal and axonal damage is apparent from the early clinical stages of MS, this study suggests that initially it may be partially reversible. Compared with other MR imaging measures, serial 1H-MRSI maybe more less less senitive to progressive pathological tissue changes in early RRMS.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。扇子刀@王颂$陕西省美术家协会 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Fa
本文通过阐诉民营企业技术创新能力对吉林省经济发展的重要意义,从五个方面指出吉林省民营企业技术创新的现状和存在的问题,并提出相应的对策建议。 This paper points out
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