
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sme_william
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Background/Purpose: Since the introduction of the closed technique for repair of pectus excavatum, increasing numbers of patients are presenting for surgery. However, controversy exists regarding the effects of repair on long-term cardiopulmonary outcome. This report details the effects over time of closed repair of pectus excavatum on pulmonary function, cardiac function, exercise tolerance, and the patient’s perception of appearance and subjective ability to exercise. Methods: All patients undergoing closed repair of pectus excavatum were evaluated prospectively. Preoperative computed tomography scan, static pulmonary function studies, exercise tolerance, and echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function were done. Studies were repeated at 3 and 21 months post-bar placement, and then 3 months after bar removal. Results: Pre-and postoperative data were available for an initial 48 patients, with 11 patients completing the full evaluation after bar removal. All measures of pulmonary function including forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced vital capacity were reduced at 3 months postoperation,with a gradual increase during follow-up; however, pulmonary function remained below normative values for patients without pectus excavatum of similar age. Cardiac function asmeasured by cardiac output and index was increased at 3 months postoperation and maintained thereafter. Exercise tolerance declined initially and then increased by the 21-month evaluation point and after bar removal. Patients reported a subjective improvement in the ability to exercise immediately after bar insertion. Conclusions: These results corroborate previous studies which suggested that after closed repair of pectus excavatum there is an immediate subjective improvement in the ability to exercise which is paralleled by an improvement in cardiac output. However, there is an early postoperative decline in pulmonary function which does improve over time; however, this does not reach normal values for similar weight. Further studies are needed to determine whether these results are maintained, or whether after bar removal there is a further improvement in pulmonary status. These results do support the use of the closed repair of pectus excavatum for maintaining and possibly improving cardiopulmonary function in this patient population. Background / Purpose: Since the introduction of the closed technique for repair of pectus excavatum, increasing numbers of patients are presenting for surgery. However, controversy exists regarding the effects of repair on long-term cardiopulmonary outcome. This report details the effects over time of closed repair of pectus excavatum on pulmonary function, cardiac function, exercise tolerance, and the patient’s perception of appearance and subjective ability to exercise. Methods: All patients undergoing closed repair of pectus excavatum were evaluated prospectively. Preoperative computed tomography scan, static pulmonary function studies , exercise tolerance, and echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function were done. Studies were repeated at 3 and 21 months post-bar placement, and then 3 months after bar removal. Results: Pre-and postoperative data were available for an initial 48 patients, with 11 patients completing the full evaluation after bar removal. All measures of pulmonary function including forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced vital capacity were reduced at 3 months postoperation, with a gradual increase during follow-up; however, pulmonary function remained below normative values ​​for patients without pectus excavatum of similar age. Cardiac function asmeasured by cardiac output and index was increased at 3 months postoperation and maintained thereafter. Patients tolerated initially and then increased by the 21-month evaluation point and after bar removal. Patients reported a subjective improvement in the ability to exercise immediately after bar insertion. results corroborate previous studies which suggested that after closed repair of pectus excavatum there is an immediate subjective improvement in the ability to exercise which is paralleled by an improvement in cardiac output. However, there is an early postoperative decline in pulmonary function which does improve over time ; however, this does not reach normal vFurther studies are needed to determine whether these results are maintained, or whether after after bar removal there is a further improvement in pulmonary status. These results do support the use of the closed repair of pectus excavatum for maintaining and possibly improving cardiopiopi function in this patient population.
今年7月中旬,全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席彭 云到新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区进行调研。和田在哪儿?当地人形象地说,在中国版图雄鸡的尾巴上。这里离新疆首府乌鲁木齐市
摘要:本文分析了目前国内高等职业院校在教学实践上存在的问题,进而从具体教学工作实际出发,从教学目标、内容、方法、手段和环节等五个方面探讨了地方高职院校电子技术专业课教学改进的具体方法。  关键词:高职院校 电子技术专业课 教学改进 教学方法  一、引言  目前,国内高等职业教育已经趋于大众化,培养学术型人才早已不适合当前的高等职业院校改革与发展。此外,我国企业蓝领类专业技术人员的社会需求缺口很大,
本院1995~1999年行20例翼状胬肉切除术,术中应用丝裂霉素,观察3~12个月,无1例复发,现报告如下。1 临床对象 20例中,男7例,女13例;年龄20~75岁;病程1~2年;均为初发病例。2 方法