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采访张白松,是5月30日杂志社例会上决定的。会前编辑分拆读者的信件时发现一封来自西南边远狱中的来信。信中张白松希望编辑部能将他的信转交上海向明中学李鑫同学。因为在狱中,他看到今年《中文自修》第3期《清风的笑颜——2007年“上海十大校园写手”大写真》李鑫的一段文字,希望在写作上能得到她的指导。对一个热爱写作又身陷囹圄渴望阳光的孩子,我们没有理由不伸出援手;对于一个失足的孩子,社会的方方面面理应给与更多的关爱。我接通了李鑫的电话,她听我将张白松来信读完后,和我一样感动——在5·12汶川地震举国大恸乃生大爱的日子里——李鑫匆匆赶到杂志社拿回了信,答应在6月10日上午(她高考结束后的第一天),将回信送来。6月11日中午,我带着李鑫的信飞抵昆明。6月12日晨,从曲靖乘面包车至沾益县郊外,经过泥泞、颠簸的红土坡道,在一座山包上停下来。铁门上“云南省第四监狱”几个黑体大字映入眼帘,显得威严而凝重。这是一座关押五六千重犯的监狱,狱中高楼墙体垂直悬挂着“服从管教,真诚悔改,知荣明耻,喜迎奥运”、“坚定信念,踏实改造,感恩励志,铸造人生”两条长幅。在监狱教育科等领导的陪同下,在八监区的二楼办公室,我采访了张白松。 Interview with Zhang Baisong, May 30 magazine decided at an ordinary meeting. A pre-excerpt editor’s letter from a reader found a letter from a remote prison in the southwest. Zhang Baisong hopes that the editorial department can hand over his letter to Li Xin, a middle school student in Shanghai. Because in prison, he saw this year’s “Chinese self-study” No. 3 “breeze smile - 2007 ” Shanghai Top Ten campus writers “big picture” a section of Li Xin, hoping to get her in writing Guidance. We have no reason not to lend a helping hand to a child who is passionate about writing and is desperate for sunshine. For a fatigued child, all aspects of society should deserve more care. I got Li Xin’s phone call and she listened to me. After reading the letter from Zhang Baisong, I was touched as I was - in the days when the Wenchuan Earthquake in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing was a big love for all - Li Xin hurried to the magazine Got back the letter, promised in the morning of June 10 (her first day after the college entrance examination), the reply will be sent. At noon on June 11, I took Li Xin’s letter and arrived in Kunming. On the morning of June 12, I took a van from Qujing to the outskirts of Zhanyi County and stopped on a mountain bag through the muddy and bumpy red soil ramp. Iron gate on the “fourth prison in Yunnan Province,” a few bold characters greeted, it appears dignified and dignified. This is a prisoners detained five or six thousand prisoners, prisoners of high-rise buildings hanging vertical “prisoner, sincere repentance, honor and shame, celebrate the Olympic Games,” “firm belief, practical transformation, thanksgiving inspirational, foundry Life ”two long pieces. Accompanied by the leadership of the Prison Education Section and other leaders, I interviewed Zhang Baisong on the second floor office of the eight-prison district.