
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flash_chen
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我国的初中政治教学包括两方面内容,一方面是对初中生思想道德的教育,另一方面是对时事政治的教学。其中的思想道德教育可以帮初中生养成正确的三观,让初中生有优秀的人格品质,而政治教学中的时事政治教学是帮初中生普及一些政治常识,提高初中生的政治素养,让初中生有更宽广的眼界。尤其是在素质教育改革之后,我国教育部门对初中政治教学质量的要求更高,以提高初中生的综合素养为主要教学目标,对传统的初中政治教学内容与方法都做了创新改进。让案例教学法与政 The junior middle school political teaching in our country includes two aspects: one is the education of junior middle school students’ morality and the other is the teaching of current affairs politics. The ideological and moral education among them can help junior high school students to develop the correct three viewpoints so that junior high school students can have outstanding personality qualities. Political political teaching in political teaching is to help junior middle school students popularize some political common sense and enhance junior middle school students’ political accomplishments. Junior high school students have a broader perspective. Especially after the reform of quality education, the education departments of our country have higher requirements on the quality of political teaching in junior high schools. The main aim of teaching is to improve the overall quality of junior middle school students. All the contents and methods of political teaching in junior middle schools are innovated and improved. Let case teaching method and politics
目的 :探讨鼻内窥镜手术治疗慢性泪囊炎的手术方法。方法 :开展了电视鼻内窥镜下鼻内泪囊鼻腔吻合术32例 (35眼 )。结果 :术后随访 3个月~ 1年 ,治愈 31眼 (88 6 % ) ,好转 2
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