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由建设部组织召开的《建设部城市住宅小区建设试点工作会议》于7月13日在上海开幕,全国28个省、市、自治区建委(建设厅)的领导,各试点所在城市的领导,第二、三批试点有关人员,建设部试点领导小组成员以及专家组全体成员共400多人参加了会议。中央及地方各大新闻单位进行了现场采访。 1989年以来,建设部城市住宅小区试点工作已在全国21个省、市、自治区的46个城市中开展,确定了51个试点,目前,已有15个小区建成,投入使用,并通过了建设部专家组严格的、科学的评比验收。这些试点小区依靠科技进步,精心设计、精心施工、科学管理,努力达到了“造价不高水平高,标准不高质量高,面积不大功能全,占地不多环境美”的试点要求,创建出本市、本省甚至全国的住宅建设样板,探索出一条符合我国国情的、“多快好省”地建设城市住宅的成功之路。 Organized by the Ministry of Construction, “the Ministry of Construction of urban residential area construction pilot meeting” opened on July 13 in Shanghai, the country’s 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions Construction Committee (Construction Department) leadership, the pilot city where the leadership, the first Two or three batches of pilot-related personnel, members of the pilot leading group of the Ministry of Construction and all the members of the expert group of more than 400 people attended the meeting. The central and local news agencies conducted a live interview. Since 1989, the pilot project of urban residential area under the Ministry of Construction has been carried out in 46 cities across 21 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China with 51 pilot sites fixed. At present, 15 districts have been completed, put into use and passed the construction Ministry of Experts Group strict, scientific evaluation acceptance. These pilot communities rely on scientific and technological progress, meticulous design, meticulous construction, scientific management, and strive to achieve the “high cost is not high, the standard is not high quality, full area is not functional, occupies little space,” the pilot requirements to create A model of housing construction in the cities of Japan, the province and even the whole country was explored to find a successful way of building urban dwellings in line with China’s national conditions.
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