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写作能力的培养是语文教学的一个重要任务,写作能力的考查显得尤为突出。在《2000年的语文考试说明》中将作文考核明确规定为“基础等级”和“发展等级”。纵观近几年的高考作文题,更注重学生的素质考查,将学生的创新、想象、思辨能力放在首位,学生若按以往的模式、套路去硬搬,自然写不好作文,得不到高分。还有人认为题材不限,写法更自由,但万变不离其宗。三大文体(记叙、议论、说明)基本功不扎实,就会造成文体混乱,结构不清,主旨晦涩。因此,针对高考作文复习时间紧,任务重的特 The cultivation of writing ability is an important task of Chinese teaching, and the examination of writing ability is particularly prominent. In the “Language Examination Notes for 2000”, the composition assessment was clearly defined as “basic level” and “development level.” Throughout the college entrance examination essay questions in recent years, more attention has been paid to the quality of students and the students’ ability to innovate, imagine and think has been given top priority. If students follow the previous patterns and routines to hard-move, they will naturally write poorly compositions, and they will not To high scores. Others think that the subject matter is not limited and the writing method is more liberal, but it never changes. The lack of a solid foundation for the three major styles (eg, narrative, commentary, and explanation) will result in confusion of style, unclear structure, and obscure subject matter. Therefore, for the college entrance examination composition review time is tight and the task is heavy
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