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宋儒陈普,宋淳祐甲辰年(1244年)出生,辞世于延祐二年(1315年),字尚德,号惧斋,世称石堂先生,是福建宁德市虎浿石堂村人。陈普因祖居地而得称号。宋淳熙年间,理学家朱熹在古田杉洋兰田书院讲学,时常路过石堂村。据说他看到此处山水旖旎,风物奇异,风水独秀,曾捻须赞叹,说数十年后,此地当出饱学天下群书的大儒,此言召示着集理学之大成者的旷世奇才陈普将在未来出现。这天中午,朱子路过石堂林厝(今梅鹤村)水尾溪边。远远看见溪面上正在建亭设桥。他趁木匠收工之际,用木匠的竹笔蘸墨斗汁在一根尚未鼎立的柱子上写 Song Confucian Chen Pu, Song Chunyou Jia Chen years (1244) was born, died in Yan You two years (1315), the word Suntech, No. fear fast, the world known as Mr. Shi Tang, Fujian Ningde tiger stone village. Chen Pu ancestral home and won the title. Song Chunxi years, the theorist Zhu Xi lecture in Gutian Cedar Yang Lan Tian College, often passing stone village. It is said that he saw here an exquisite landscape, exotic things, feng shui alone show, had to be praised twist, saying that decades later, when the world learned a great book of Confucianism, the remark conveys the masters of the collection of masterpieces of wizards Chen Pu will appear in the future. At noon on this day, Zhu Shi Tong Lin Shou Tang House (now Meihe village) water tail stream side. Seeing the surface of the river is built kiosk Bridge. He took advantage of the carpenter closing the occasion, with the carpenter’s bamboo pen dipped in ink on a pillar that has not yet been established
刘长令 1963年生,沈阳人。1986年河南大学化学系毕业,1989年沈阳化工研究院工学硕士毕业,现为沈阳化工研究院教授级高级工程师。“创制新农药高效杀菌剂氟吗啉”2003年获国
The academic circles express different views on whether artificial intelligence can have the status of criminal subject, the negator mainly from the free will,