Robust decentralized adaptive stabilization for a class of interconnected systems

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong527
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The robust decentralized adaptive output-feedback stabilization for a class of interconnected systems with static and dynamic interconnections by using the MT-filters and backstepping design method is studied. By introducing a new filtered transformation, the adaptive laws were derived for measurement. Under the assumption of the nonlinear growth conditions imposed on the nonlinear interconnections and by constructing the error system and using a new proof method, the global stability of the closed-loop system was effectively analyzed, and the exponential convergence of all the signals except for parameter estimates were guaranteed. The robust decentralized adaptive output-feedback stabilization for a class of interconnected systems with static and dynamic interconnections by using the MT-filters and backstepping design method is studied. By introducing a new filtered transformation, the adaptive laws were derived for measurement. Under the assumption of the nonlinear growth conditions imposed on the nonlinear interconnections and by constructing the error system and using a new proof method, the global stability of the closed-loop system was saved analyzed, and the exponential convergence of all the signals except for parameter estimates were were guaranteed .
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