The Papermaking Project of Jiangxi Lee & Man Started in Ruichang

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The papermaking project of Jiangxi Lee & Man with investment of RMB 10 billion by Hong Kong Lee & Man Group was launched in Jiangxi Ruichang Wharf Industrial City on January 20.The papermaking project of Jiangxi Lee & Man was settled in Ruichang Wharf Industrial City in September 2010. It is the fifth paper production base in China invested and built The papermaking project of Jiangxi Lee & Man with investment of RMB 10 billion by Hong Kong Lee & Man Group was launched in Jiangxi Ruichang Wharf Industrial City on January 20. The papermaking project of Jiangxi Lee & Man was settled in Ruichang Wharf Industrial City in September 2010. It is the fifth paper production base in China invested and built
荧光染料染色法用于胃癌者少见报告。本文使用改良Bertalanffy荧光染色法对胃脱落细胞进行观察,并探讨其在胃癌细胞诊断中的意义。 Fluorescent dye staining is rarely us
<正> ……科学不可能没有信仰。我讲这话并不意味着科学所依赖的信仰在本质上就是一种宗教信仰,或者说它也要接受一般宗教信仰中的任何教条。然而,如果没有自然界
Recently, after numerous consultations with local government in Fangchenggang, Sun Paper has finally decided to invest RMB 2 billion to build the first phase pr
On May 10, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)announced its assignment of 2011 targets and tasks to eliminate backward production capacit
本文报道麻省总医院1950~1980年间,鼻咽癌根治性放疗后、局部复发再放疗的51例病人的治疗情况。 鼻咽癌初程放疗采用大剂量分隔治疗如腔内治疗,原发灶很少出现复发,对于早期
外耳道及中耳癌是一种少见的恶性肿瘤。我院从1976~1987年共收治42例,皆经病理确诊。本文就临床资料及影响疗效的因素进行讨论。 External auditory canal and middle ear c