
来源 :时代英语·初中 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:msjzkdy
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  Most of the Doraemon stories start with protagonist Nobita Nobi, always running home in tears, crying “Doraemon! Do something!” The fourth-grade boy, who lives in a subsection of Tokyo, is the weakest and least intelligent child in his class. But sometimes, he can be really responsible. But despite his flaws, Nobita is one of the neighborhood’s nicest and most sensitive children, and it is his desire to see justice done that drives the best Doraemon stories. It is probably why Doraemon himself and fans do not fling up their hands in defeat.
  Doraemon is a cat-like robot from the future, the 22nd century to be exact. His favorite food is dorayaki, a sweet-bean-paste-filled bun. He is afraid of mice and hates rats, as his ears were chewed off by rats.
  Asides from its attractiveness in spirit, Doraemon has a simple storyline. One day, a strange being pops up in Nobita’s desk drawer—a round, blue cat-style robot “Doraemon”, who was sent by Nobita’s descendant from the future to help prevent him from making mistakes.
  Shizuka Minamoto 源静香
  Shizuka is the only female main character in the comic, and she’s a kind and forgiving person. Shizuka is liked by all the boys.
  Suneo Honekawa 骨川小夫
  Honekawa is a bright yet spoiled boy. Though he always gets what he wants, he failed to get Doraemon.
  Takeshi Gouda 刚田武
  More commonly known by his nickname Gian, Takeshi is the bully of the pack. He is tough and strong and has a terrible singing voice. He and Suneo are always picking on Nobita.
  protagonist n. 主人公;主角
  subsection n. 分部;分段;小部分;小单位
  flaw n. 缺点;瑕疵
  sensitive adj. 敏感的;易担忧的
  justice n. 正义;公正
  fling up 放弃;使(某物)出现
  chew off 咬掉;嚼断
  storyline n. (书、电影或戏剧的)故事情节
  pop up 突然出现
  descendant n. 后代;后裔;子孙
  spoiled adj. 被宠坏的
  bully n. 横行霸道者,仗势欺人者
【摘 要】本文从近年来小型农田水利项目建设总体情况、主要做法与经验、主要成效等3个方面分析阐述了中宁县近年来小型农田水利项目建设取得的成就、特点和做法等,对下一步搞好小型农田水利项目建设具有较强的指导意义。  【关键词】小型;农田水利;项目;建设  近年来,在中宁县委、县政府的正确领导和上级业务部门的大力支持下,中宁县水务局紧紧围绕“保增长、保民生、保稳定”的战略决策,坚持以学习实践科学发展观为