In Search of“Voices”:Linguistic Choice and Construction of Subjectivity in Lu Xun’s Early Translatio

来源 :中国文学研究前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxiao912
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Unlike Hu Shih and Chen Duxiu,among other leading intellectuals in the May Fourth New Literature Movement,Lu Xun had no experience of writing in vernacular Chinese(baihua)in his early years.Except Jules Verne’s two novels translated by Lu Xun in the 1900s,all his translations and writings before 1918 were produced in classical Chinese(wenyan),until“Diary of a Madman”(Kuangren riji)was published in May 1918.Despite the well-known fact that Lu Xun wrote his first vernacular fiction at the quest of Qian Xuantong,the sudden and seemingly effortless change in Lu Xun’s linguistic choice remains a mystery.This article attempts to shed new light on the problem by focusing on Lu Xun’s understanding and practice of voices(sheng)in his early works.First,I explore the meaning of the term“voices of the heart”(xinsheng)in Lu Xun’s thoughts and connect it to the rendering of subjectivity in his writings and translations in the late Qing dynasty.The archaic style he chose implies,paradoxically,both his effort to deliver inner“voices of the heart”and his self-awareness of the difficulty in conveying it.Then along this line,I try to grasp Lu Xun’s intrinsic motivation for the change in his linguistic choice.Vernacular Chinese provided Lu Xun with a channel of constructing inter-subjectivity by appealing to a broad public,thus emancipating him from the dilemma of expressing“voices of the heart.”Throughout the first two decades of the twentieth century,Lu Xun’s perception and application of written language were closely interwoven with his concern for subjectivity.
拉伸腹部  1. 躺在垫上,膝盖弯曲,双脚平放垫上,与髋同宽。指尖放于耳后,轻轻地支撑头部,保持头与颈在一条直线上,两肘尽量贴近地面,背紧贴地面不要弓着。这是开始的姿势。  2. 腹部肌肉用力,慢慢抬起上身,使肩胛骨离开地面。抬起头时双手支撑头部,不要向前拉头,眼睛注视天花板。保持一下动作,然后回到原位,如此反复。  TIPS:  错误1. 锻炼腹部时屏气  正确的做法:上举时呼气,落下时吸气。 