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夜半惊魂 也许是一种预感、一种征兆,住在阜阳地区乡镇企业委员会宿舍的朱纲珍,这夜失眠了,辗转反侧怎么也睡不着。突然,窗玻璃上映现一片红光,她揉揉酸涩的眼睛,看清了,楼底下“王子”快餐店操作间的房顶上,一团火苗上下跳跃。“失火了!”她惊叫一声,急忙搡醒丈夫,双双抢出门外呼救。 此时,已是1994年11月3日凌晨1时许。 失火的是夹在东方商场、乡镇企业委员会大楼与居民住宅楼中间的一幢平房,砖木结构,西边是“王子”快餐店操作间,一墙之隔的东边3间是东方商场家电仓库,存放着价值200多万元的彩电、空调、音响和电冰箱等高档商品。 “咣当!咣当!!”睡在仓库内值班的值班员刘震被人踢门震醒,睁眼一看,“妈呀!”头顶上方尽是火光。来不及穿鞋,仓惶而逃。 没有灭火器材,来不及抢救一星半点财物,十几分钟后,才有人向消防队报警。当消防官兵们赶到的时候,6间平房基本烧塌,家电仓库里的电视机、空调、电冰箱的压缩机被烧得呯呯炸响,泄漏出来的氟里昂刺激得人睁不开眼。消防队极尽全力阻止火势蔓延。但,火是极其残忍的。仅仅一个多小时,还是将价值达258万元的国家财产变成一 Half-night may be a kind of foreboding, a sign of living in Fuyang region Township Committee Zhugang Zhen quarters, insomnia this night, tossing how anti-side can not sleep. Suddenly, a glare on the window glass, she rubbed sour eyes, see, under the “Prince” fast food shop operating room roof, a ball of fire jumping up and down. “A fire broke out!” She exclaimed, hurried to wake up her husband, both out of the door for help. At this moment, it is at 1 am on November 3, 1994. Fire is caught in the East Mall, Township Enterprise Committee building and residential buildings in the middle of a bungalow, brick and wood structure, west of the “Prince” fast food restaurant operation room, east of the wall separated by 3 is the East Mall appliances store, store value More than 200 million color TV, air conditioners, audio and refrigerators and other high-end products. “咣 当! 咣 当 !!” Sleeping in the warehouse on duty duty officer Liu Zhen was kicked the door awakened, eyes open and saw, “Mom!” Top of the head is full of flames. No time to wear shoes, panic flight. No fire extinguishing equipment, too late to rescue a star a little property, ten minutes later, only someone to the fire department alarm. When the fire officers and soldiers arrived, the six bungalows basically burned down, and the compressors of the TV sets, air conditioners and refrigerators in the warehouses of electrical appliances were burnt down and the Freon spilled out could not open their eyes. The fire brigade made every effort to stop the spread of the fire. However, the fire is extremely cruel. Just an hour or so, or worth 2.58 million yuan of state property into one
万里先生、边涛夫人都是在山东出生的平民,又都是在中国成就不凡的平民。他们俩的名字,一个是万里长城,一个是边涛澎湃。 这里写的都是私事,没有公事,都是生活细节,没有国家
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