
来源 :中国农村医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macgrady333
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笔者自1984年以来,采用自己配制的“滴耳合剂”治疗288例单纯型化脓性中耳炎。其中男184例,女104例;年龄最小1岁、最大69岁,以青年和儿童较多。治疗2~3周后231例脓性分泌物停止,55例分泌物明显减少,仅有2树无效,近期有效率为99.3%。合剂配制和用法:取氯霉素眼药水2支 The author since 1984, using their own preparation of “ear drops mixture” treatment of 288 cases of simple suppurative otitis media. There were 184 males and 104 females; the youngest was 1 year old and the oldest was 69 years old, with more young people and children. Two to three weeks after treatment, 231 cases of purulent discharge stopped, 55 cases of secretory discharge was significantly reduced, only 2 trees ineffective, the recent efficiency was 99.3%. Mixture preparation and usage: take chloramphenicol eye drops 2
By introducing the concept of spring energy of permanent dipole and taking the conforma-tions of solvent molecules into account,the formulas of electrostatic so
It is estimated that most of the deaf children have some residual hearing. If these deaf children can be identified early, fit with hearing aids early,andtraine
Three 2-oxoglutaric acid analogues were synthesized. Their interaction with factor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor (FIH) was studied using LC-MS method. The
洪漫对农作物的增产作用已为人们所熟知.1984年秋,我们在南小河沟工作期间,发现洪漫对提高林地的经济效益也有显著作用,随即就所见情况作了调查,现将调查结果整理如下: In
一、勿下楼 火势由初起到狂烧,正常情况下只需十几分钟,而烟气封堵楼道则更快,仅三四分钟而已。所以,待楼上的人闻到焦糊味时,楼道就无法通行了。火灾中的烟气、毒气很浓,可