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影响:我的未婚妻Zofia对我影响很大。她全心全意地支持我当自由职业者的决定,我真的非常感谢她。至于插画.很多人都有所影响:Kid Acne、Matt Sewell.Jon Burgerman、Mr Scruff.123Klan等。无论设计师们走到哪.Build的Michael Place都会创作出卓越的作品.而Bum Destruct的那些家伙们的作品也一直会让人印象深刻。
We show how the Koide relationships and associated triplet mass matrices can be generalized to derive the observed sum of the free neutron and proton rest masse
In this paper we suggest a simple mathematical procedure to derive the classical probability density of quantum systems via Bohr’s correspondence principle. Us
Nickel oxide (NiO) thin film has been deposited on a glass substrate at a temperature of 390°C ± 10°C using a simple and inexpensive spray pyroly
The author has suggested that the knee phenomenon in the cosmic ray energy spectrum at 3 PeV can be explained as a split between a radiation-dominated expansion
Modification to Newton gravitational interaction is presented. It provides an understanding of a novel universal gravitational field of particle origin that def
A critique of black-hole-black-body radiation, black-hole thermodynamics, entropy bounds, inflation cosmology, and the lack of gravitational aberration is prese