Improved dynamical model for neural network and the stabilization of associative memory

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenjing1566
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A new neural network model with more biological background is presented. Besides the usual prop. erties of internal potential, accumulation and outpuf, the new model is endowed with some dynamical factors such as local potential accumulation, adaptive variation of the threshold, the lateral links among the corresponding neurons ,is well as the adaptive change of the link weights in the evolution of the network. The typical dynamics and characteristics of associative memory can also be demonstrated through varying the values of the parameters in the neural net-work. A new neural network model with more biological background is presented. Also, the new model is endowed with some dynamical factors such as local potential accumulation, adaptive variation of the threshold, the lateral links among the corresponding neurons, is well as the adaptive change of the link weights in the evolution of the network. The typical dynamics and characteristics of associative memory can also be demonstrated through varying the values ​​of the parameters in the neural net-work.
Pentium、Pentium Pro、MMX以及P55C等名词在电脑文章中经常出现,相信人们在学习和使用电脑过程中常遇到,这些都是Intel公司的处理器,它们有什么样的特点呢?下面就进行介绍
摘 要: 电子线路是电子信息类专业的重要课程,但学生在学习过程中普遍反映概念多,难以理解与掌握。本文作者利用Proteus仿真软件,结合振幅调制和低频功率放大器两个具体实例,阐明了该软件在电子线路教学和实验中的优势。在学校的教学实践中,取得了良好的效果。  关键词: 电子线路课程 Proteus 仿真电路实验    1.简介  电子线路课程包括低频电子线路和高频电子线路,是电子信息、通信工程等专业
台上表演跌宕起伏,扣人心弦;台下锣鼓喧天,喝彩声声,掌声阵阵。这是宁化县河龙祁剧团正在上演祁剧《天官赐福》的热闹场面。 The stage show ups and downs, exciting; the