Geolocator study reveals east African migration route of Central European Common Terns

来源 :鸟类学研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xueyupiaoling
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Background: The majority of European Common Ts (Sta hirundo) migrate south along the west coast of Europe and Africa, while birds from east regions are known to cross the Mediterranean Sea from east to west or migrate along the east African coast. The migration route of north European ts wintering along the coast of west Africa was already described using geolocator data, while knowledge about movements of the European inland populations is based only on relatively scarce recoveries of ringed birds. Methods: We used light-level geolocators in inland Common T colonies in Hungary and Croatia to study their migration route and to identify wintering areas along with stopover sites. Results revealed by geolocators were com-pared with recoveries of ringed birds. Results: All tracked birds used the east African migration route with autumn stopovers at Lower Nile and in the south part of the Red Sea, and short spring stopover in Israel. Ts wintered along Kenyan coasts and in the south Mozambique Channel. Autumn migration lasted four times longer than spring migration. Conclusions: This is the first geolocator study that describes the east African migration route of the Common T. Important stopover sites were identified. More studies of inland populations are needed to better elucidate t winter movements.
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