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对于野生植物根内定殖的丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)和暗隔内生真菌(DSE)多样性及其生态功能现已进行了众多的调查研究。然而,对于同时定殖于栽培作物同一根系的这两种真菌的物种多样性和功能了解甚少。本研究旨在采用传统的形态学方法和PCR‐DGGE技术探究保护地栽培的黄瓜Cucumis sativus Linn.根内AMF和DSE的物种多样性。PCR‐DGGE结果显示共有7种AMF,包括Funneliformis mosseae,Glomus fasciculatum,Glomus indicum,Scutellospora dipurpurescens,Gigaspora margarita以及2个未培养的Archaeospora;而以黄瓜植株根段作为接种物加富培养后,依据其所产生的孢子形态特征进行分类鉴定,则只分离获得3种,即F.mosseae,G.indicum和Gi.Margarita;同时,采用常规分离纯化的方法从黄瓜根内分离得到DSE 6个菌株,其中1株经分子生物学鉴定为Phoma leveillei。从保护地根区土壤中分离AMF孢子并通过形态学分类鉴定,获得了9属20种。研究结果表明,Glomus是保护地栽培黄瓜根系内的优势属,针对数量,相对于传统形态鉴定技术,分子技术可以检测到根内更多的AMF。 Much research has been carried out on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and dark endophytic fungi (DSE) colonized in the roots of wild plants and their ecological functions. However, little is known about the species diversity and function of these two fungi, which colonize the same root system of cultivated plants simultaneously. The purpose of this study was to explore the species diversity of cucumber Cucumis sativus Linn. Cultivated cucumber (AMF) and DSE (Braconidae) in the root by using the traditional morphological methods and PCR-DGGE. PCR-DGGE showed a total of seven AMFs, including Funneliformis mosseae, Glomus fasciculatum, Glomus indicum, Scutellospora dipurpurescens, Gigaspora margarita, and two unripe Archaeospora cultivars. After cucumber plant root segments were used as inoculum for enrichment culture, The results showed that only 3 species were isolated, that is, F.mosseae, G.indicum and Gi.Margarita. Six strains of DSE were isolated from cucumber root by routine isolation and purification, among which 1 Strain identified by molecular biology as Phoma leveillei. AMF spores were isolated from the soils of the protected areas and identified by morphological classification. Nine species were found in 20 species. The results showed that Glomus was the dominant genus in the cucumber root system of cucumber cultivated in protected areas. For quantitative analysis, molecular techniques could detect more AMF in roots than in traditional morphological identification techniques.