
来源 :延河 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tuyuantao
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秦岭的动物朋友我庆幸自己生长在秦岭山中,年纪很小的时候便能接触到好些动物朋友。我对秦岭地位和意义的认识,长期停留在书本上,抽象而虚幻。真正对秦岭的感知,来自于动物朋友,鲜活而灵动。麻雀、竹鸡、画眉、斑鸠,是我小时常见的,听着它们的歌声,看着它们嬉戏,就像一棵小树不知不觉便长大了。夏夜里,秧田里传来一阵阵高高低低,或急骤或舒缓的蛙鸣,我已习以为常了,但那大半夜公鸡的一声啼鸣,竟使我 Qinling animal friend I am fortunate that I grew up in the Qinling Mountains, when young you can come into contact with a number of animal friends. My understanding of the status and significance of the Qinling Mountains, long stay in books, abstract and illusory. The real perception of Qinling, from animal friends, fresh and agile. Sparrows, bamboo chicken, thrush, turtledove, is my common childhood, listening to their singing, watching them play, just like a small tree unknowingly grew up. I was used to it in the summer night in the fields where bursts of high and low, or flashy or soothing frogs were heard, but the roar of the middle of the night crowned me
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近年来,越来越多的中国人知道了“托福”。那么,“托福”到底是怎么回事呢? “托福”(TOEFL)考试是由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)组织的一种
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这一家有名的咖啡馆,老板赛维是纽约人,和妻子雅娜苦心经营,咖啡馆生意出奇火爆。  后来,周围开了许多家咖啡馆,这对他们的生意产生了影响。由于他们是老店铺,秉承传统思维,就连背景音乐也是古典音乐,这一度使咖啡馆的业绩下滑。  “如果不创新,就会被淘汰。”“我们可以效仿那些新开张的咖啡馆,将音乐换成劲爆的,再招个大厨,制作美味的中国快餐。”妻子建议赛维。  “如果那样,我们是在走老路,我们必须与众不同